To Our Readers From The MMA News

To everyone who visits The MMA News website, I just wanted to let you know that over the next few days that the number of posts we do everyday will diminish and I apologize for that.
The reason for the fewer number is because I am headed to Toronto for UFC 129 and will be busy […]

logo2332To everyone who visits The MMA News website, I just wanted to let you know that over the next few days that the number of posts we do everyday will diminish and I apologize for that.

The reason for the fewer number is because I am headed to Toronto for UFC 129 and will be busy taking in the event, as well as the UFC Expo. I’ve also got my hands on tickets to see Joe Rogan at Massy Hall in downtown TO on Friday night.

I hope to pick up a few “Limited” items from the Expo and plan to offer them up to you, our readers, in a giveaway once I get home, just our way of thanking you for your continued support.

I’ll be Tweeting and posting pictures from the UFC Expo, the UFC 129 weigh-ins, Joe Rogan’s stand-up, and from my seats (which I did not pay a scalper for!) way, way, way up in the nosebleeds at the Rogers Centre in downtown Toronto.

You can follow me on Twitter at!/themmanews

Enjoy the event everyone!