This Is The End

If your wondering if this is a review for this weekends movie release, it’s not. I just thought the title and the movie poster from this weekends release was an appropriate send-off. This article is my announcement that after four-plus years working on The MMA News website that this is the end for me here. […]

This is the endIf your wondering if this is a review for this weekends movie release, it’s not. I just thought the title and the movie poster from this weekends release was an appropriate send-off.

This article is my announcement that after four-plus years working on The MMA News website that this is the end for me here.

Things have become far too busy for me and I am looking to pursue my interests training in Jiu-Jitsu and MMA.

For the readers who have continued to come to the site, I’d like to say thank you for validating my efforts over the years. I would though like to apologize to all of you for not being able to provide you with more and better content. This is another reason I am leaving, there just wasn’t time to interview fighters, transcribe the details, run this site and have my own life all at once.

I signed on in the belief that I was going to be part of something that might challenge some of the bigger sites. In the end I was only brought on to fill the pockets of someone else who had no interest in promoting this site.

Lesson learned.

Hopefully the new owners will find someone who can turn this website into the news blog that I believe it has the potential to be.

I won’t be providing tonight’s UFC 161 live results, I will though be in the arena and for the first time in awhile, I’ll be there as a fan.

Thanks again everyone.

The Fighter’s Diet – A Piller Of Successful Training

The Fighter’s Diet Diet is one of the pillars of a successful training regime, but with so many tips, tricks and techniques out on the market, it can be difficult to know what really works. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the cold hard facts surrounding nutrition and give you the low-down on […]

The Fighter’s Diet

Diet is one of the pillars of a successful training regime, but with so many tips, tricks and techniques out on the market, it can be difficult to know what really works. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the cold hard facts surrounding nutrition and give you the low-down on how to eat your way into top fighting form.Food - Carb diet


From Bruce Lee to modern-day MMA (mixed martial arts) fighters, those at the top of their game consistently advocate eating less, more frequently. Smaller portions of food ingested in relatively shorter intervals are thought to stimulate the metabolism, as well as reduce the amount of excess calories you’re storing as fat. Eating in this way is also great for those with a heavy training schedule – allowing them to fit in regular workouts without being weighed down by a heavy stomach.


Proteins are a kind of molecule made up by chains of amino acids and are responsible for a wide range of functions in the body. Taking in sufficient amounts of protein on a regular basis is a must for any athlete and particularly martial artists. It will help with muscle building and repair, as well as providing your body with a source of energy when carbohydrate levels are depleted.

How much protein you should ingest depends on several factors, including body weight and training regime – but a good rule of thumb is to aim for it to make up around 20 per cent of your daily caloric intake. While this can be achieved through regular healthy eating, protein supplements can be a boon for those having difficulty with diet.Food - Balanced

The best sources of protein include:

Lean Meat
Dairy Producs


Carbohydrates are a type of organic compound that are vital for the functioning of the body. They serve as a key source of energy, particularly during times of intense physical activity. Your body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar, which is the raw fuel that powers your training. Ingesting plenty of carbohydrates is a necessity for anyone undergoing regular training and you should be aiming to get more than half your calories from this source.

Some of the most carbohydrate-rich foods include:

Grains (and grain-rich foods like rice, pasta and corn)
Root vegetables


Fat often gets a bad rap when it comes to nutrition, but it is one of the most important elements of a proper diet and is essential for those in regular training. Having a sufficient level of body fat is vital if you’ll be undertaking a sustained workout and will be used as a source of energy during certain activities when carbohydrates and other sources are low. Unsaturated fats are the most desirable for those in training and you should be aiming for them to make up no more than a quarter of your daily caloric intake.

The best sources of fats are:

Olives and olive oil
Fish oil

Honing your diet is going to be an ongoing struggle and you’re unlikely to ever achieve the perfect balance. But by bearing the above tips in mind and eating sensibly, you can ensure your training regime is backed up by a bastion of nutrition.

This article was brought to you by, a purveyor of some of the finest martial arts supplies in the UK.

Become The Fighter Within – Guest Post

Become the Fighter Within January, the month when we set out to improve ourselves with New Year’s resolutions, is the perfect time to start training in mixed martial arts (MMA). MMA is a full-contact combat sport that incorporates elements of fighting styles and martial arts from around the world. It is a sport based on […]

Become the Fighter Within

January, the month when we set out to improve ourselves with New Year’s resolutions, is the perfect time to start training in mixed martial arts (MMA). MMA is a full-contact combat sport that incorporates elements of fighting styles and martial arts from around the world. It is a sport based on self-discipline and confidence as well as physical skill and the benefits of the sport will spill over into almost every aspect of your life.

Why should you study MMA?

Like all martial arts, MMA incorporates mental training as well as physical. Students of MMA are required to manage their emotions during training and sparring matches, and a major component to MMA is learning how to fight fairly and with careful, practiced moves. How many of us could survive a first fight without panicking? With MMA, you’ll learn to keep your confidence and defend yourself with honor and quiet grace.

At the same time, MMA is excellent exercise. Combining moves and elements of karate, tae kwon-do, judo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu, students gain strength, stamina and flexibility. As an added bonus, you can have the satisfaction of knowing you can use these moves to defend yourself someday, which gives the training an added incentive over standard sports like running or weight-training.

MMA is open to both genders, as well as children and adults. That means that no matter your age or gender, MMA is open to you, so long as you bring a dedication and a willingness to train hard.

Best places to train

MMA training centers can be found the world over, and there may be one in your community, where you can attend regular classes and even some local tournaments.

However, if you want to immerse yourself in the true MMA culture, the place to go is Thailand. Having a base knowledge of Muay Thai kickboxing will stand you in excellent stead for MMA, and Thailand, Phuket is the place to learn. Beautiful beaches host training camps run by champions, at a fraction of the price that you find back home. There, you will find many training camps that are dedicated to providing students with a traditional MMA learning experience. There, you will meet participants from all over the world, united by a desire to practice the art in its purest form. Being around like-minded people will motivate you to dedicate yourself to your training and help you hone the skills you need. While there are training camps all over Thailand, the best region to find them is in Phuket. Some of the best camps and training centers include Sinbi Muay Thai, Tiger Muay Thai, Superpro Samui, , and Island Muay Thai.

Many of these camps also host regional MMA champions as regulars or instructors, so you will have the added bonus of being inspired by them. They also run many local and national tournaments, where you can either observe or take part.

Make it happen

While Thailand may be far away, don’t miss this opportunity to start training! To raise the funds, you can look into the possibility of working remotely, picking up some extra shifts before you leave, or by selling your stuff on musicMagpie to make quick cash, since you won’t need it while you’re training.

Once you’ve made it to Thailand, get ready for the martial arts adventure of a lifetime. And now when you watch the MMA World Expo in February, you’ll be able to say, “I can definitely kick that high.”

Matt Morgan

UFC 148 – The MMA News Facebook Contest Winners

First, I would like to thank everyone who entered The MMA News UFC 148 Facebook contest. Without you who visit this site, I wouldn’t have the funding to give away prizes. The MMA News has turned into a blog site over the years, and with things coming down to me to run the site, I’m […]

First, I would like to thank everyone who entered The MMA News UFC 148 Facebook contest. Without you who visit this site, I wouldn’t have the funding to give away prizes.

The MMA News has turned into a blog site over the years, and with things coming down to me to run the site, I’m not able to keep up with posting exclusive interviews due to the amount of time involved and the increasing constraints of my own life.

So again, I really just want to say thanks to you all.

Alright, the real reason your reading this post is to find out which four entrants won the four prizes I’ve put up as part of this weekends UFC 148 celebrations.

Winners List

1) – PRIDE Bushido Vol. 10 – Winner Kyle Elliot

2) – UFC Encyclopedia – Winner Lisa Christine

3) – UFC Expo exclusive Round 5 MMA Georges St-Pierre collectible – Dave Ellinger

4) – $50 UFC E-Gift Card – Shin Kim

So thanks again to everyone who signed up, all of the winners will receive an email from me

The MMA News UFC 148 Facebook Contest

The MMA News is holding a contest in celebration of this weekends upcoming UFC 148: Silva vs. Sonnen event. We’re giving away a $50 UFC store E-gift certificate, a copy of the UFC Encyclopedia, a DVD copy of the PRIDE Bushido Volume 10, and lastly a Round 5 collectible from the 2011 UFC Fan Expo […]

Georges St-Pierre Round 5 limited edition collectible from the UFC Fan Expo in Toronto

The MMA News is holding a contest in celebration of this weekends upcoming UFC 148: Silva vs. Sonnen event.

We’re giving away a $50 UFC store E-gift certificate, a copy of the UFC Encyclopedia, a DVD copy of the PRIDE Bushido Volume 10, and lastly a Round 5 collectible from the 2011 UFC Fan Expo in Toronto featuring UFC champion Georges St-Pierre.

You can enter the contest by being a fan of our Facebook page and finding our Contest section located at

Besides being a fan, you’ll have to leave us a valid email address as well as give us your picks between Anderson Silva vs. Chael Sonnen and Tito Ortiz vs. Forrest Griffin.

Good luck to everyone!

Contest closes Saturday night (July 7) at 10pm EST!!

And be sure to read the “terms & conditions” for more contest details.

Delayed Posts On The MMA News This Weekend

Hi folks, I’m sure you probably noticed that things are a bit slow this weekend. I’m in the process of moving and I had thought I’d have time to keep things up to date, but alas no. I’ll do my best in the morning and the evening to put something else up but otherwise I’m […]

Hi folks, I’m sure you probably noticed that things are a bit slow this weekend.

I’m in the process of moving and I had thought I’d have time to keep things up to date, but alas no. I’ll do my best in the morning and the evening to put something else up but otherwise I’m fairly busy with my move.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!