UFC 214 Talking Points: Jones, Woodley & Cyborg

ANAHEIM, Calif. Hunched over after falling to his knees, with his light heavyweight championship once again around his waist, Jon Jones emerged from the darkness into a bright new future. The message: “The Champ is Here,” just as Jones&rsqu…

ANAHEIM, Calif. Hunched over after falling to his knees, with his light heavyweight championship once again around his waist, Jon Jones emerged from the darkness into a bright new future. The message: “The Champ is Here,” just as Jones’s music prophetically proclaimed as he walked to the Octagon for the first time in more than year. “It got really dark and I spent a lot of time being depressed,” Jones said of his time away from the sport while suspended for numerous violations. “To be back here and to have so much light and the cheers – it was a dream … Read the Full Article Here