UFC Ref Yves Lavigne Disputes Comments That He Said ‘GSP Will Dominate Josh Koscheck’

Well a whole kettle of worms has been opened up after Le Journal de Montréal published an interview with UFC referee Yves Lavigne, who supposedly stated that ‘GSP would dominate (Koscheck) like he did in the first fight’ when they meet in December at UFC 124.
Here is the quote from Le Journal, the English translation […]


Well a whole kettle of worms has been opened up after Le Journal de Montréal published an interview with UFC referee Yves Lavigne, who supposedly stated that ‘GSP would dominate (Koscheck) like he did in the first fight’ when they meet in December at UFC 124.

Here is the quote from Le Journal, the English translation afterward.

Je crois que Georges, tout comme lors de leur premier affrontement (remporté par décision unanime par St-Pierre en août 2007), va dominer, a-t-il continué. Il a amélioré ses frappes. Koscheck va sûrement essayer d’arracher la tête à GSP avec une grosse main droite, comme Matt Serra l’avait fait, mais quand il verra que ça ne marche pas et qu’il se fera atteindre, il se fera renverser

I think that George, like when they first encounter (won by unanimous decision by St-Pierre in August 2007), will dominate, “he continued. It has improved its air strikes. Koscheck will probably try to head off to GSP with a big right hand, like Matt Serra did, but when he sees that it does not work and it will reach, it will topple

Yves Lavigne has since come out to publicly deny that he ever made any such comments or that he was ever interviewed by the journalist who wrote the article. Lavigne sent an email to RingsideReport.net to clear up the matter.

1. I NEVER gave an interview to that journalist

2. I NEVER gave an interview regarding GSP vs Koscheck

3. My lawyer is taking care of this matter.

It’s understandable to be misquoted, as it happens to many involved in the sport of mma all the time, for some though, they just deny that the Twitter account is theirs. None of this has occurred in this case, as it appears more like the fabrication of some writer looking to get his article published than real journalism.