UFC & Strikeforce Fighters Hit The Fighter Summit In Las Vegas

Right now there are a large number of UFC and Strikeforce fighters running amok in Las Vegas. The fighter are gathered for the UFC Fighter Summit to talk about PR issues, the new health insurance coverage, taxes, and more.
A number of fighters are Tweeting messages and photos from the summit. We’ve collected some […]

Right now there are a large number of UFC and Strikeforce fighters running amok in Las Vegas. The fighter are gathered for the UFC Fighter Summit to talk about PR issues, the new health insurance coverage, taxes, and more.

A number of fighters are Tweeting messages and photos from the summit. We’ve collected some photos here.

Check out some of the Tweets from fighters in attendance such as Josh Barnett (@JoshLBarnett), Jeremy Stephens (@LilHeathenMMA), Marloes Coenen (@mcoenen), Joey Beltran (@mexicutioner760), and Cris “Cyborg” Santos (@criscyborg).

Barnett and White

From Josh Barnett: Pigs have now flown. Watch for Hell to freeze over next. Me and @danawhite together again

Cyborgs White Lorenzo

The “Cyborgs”, Cristian and Evangelista Santos take a quick photo with the UFC’s Dana White and Lorenzo Fertitta.

More photos after the jump

Gegard Mousasi doodles

Strikeforce champ Marloes Coenen took this photo of some inspired doodles by Gegard Mousasi at the summit.

Coenen Kennedy

Marloes Coenen takes a quick photo with Tim Kennedy at the fighter photo shoot.

Lunch at the Fighter Summit

Fighters pause to take in some lunch at the Fighter Summit. Sitting at the table (that I can recognize) are the “Cyborgs” Cris & Evangelista, Rafael Cavalcante, Antonio “Bigfoot” Silva, Fabricio Werdum, and Renato “Babalu” Sobral.