Two of the welterweight division’s most exciting fighters are up next in the UFC Uruguay co-main event, as Vicente Luque takes on Mike Perry.
Round 1:
Luque connects with a big combination to start things off. A big right hand connects for Perry. Perry showing nice head movement and lands a big leg kick. Another big right-hand lands for Perry, and the pair exchange leg kicks. A nice jab and lead hook connect for Perry.
Perry working to the body now. Luque lands a nice right hand and begins to back Perry up, connecting on a jab. Kick to the body and head from Perry. A big jab lands for Luque and he follows up with a leg kick. Another big hook from Perry gets through. A nice left hand connects for Perry. Flying knee lands for Luque. Leg kicks being exchanged now. Perry is cut underneath both of his eyes.
A kick to the body from Perry keeps Luque at bay. Perry putting together a big combination now, and those were some hard shots. The round comes to an end.
Round 2:
Luque has a big head kick just blocked. Perry clinches up with Luque against the cage. They separate and Luque is trying to find a home for that head kick. Jab lands for Perry but Luque gets in a nice counter. Perry with a big lead uppercut but Luque continues to walk him down.
A nice shot to the body connects for Perry but Luque lands a big shot. Perry comes inside for heavy leather, and they’re exchanging. Big combination for Perry ends with a flying knee. Another big jab lands for Perry. Perry connects with a big body shot and puts together a nice combination to the head. Luque responds with a hard hook. Stiff jab from Perry connects. Both men are landing some nice strikes now. The round comes to an end.
Round 3:
Luque connects on a leg kick and Perry gives him one right back. Perry clinches up with Luque against the cage and the pair exchange knees. As the crowd boos, Perry gives them the one-finger salute. The referee breaks up the action. A flying knee connects for Luque. Perry goes in for a takedown but Luque pulls guard for a guillotine. The squeeze is gushing blood from Perry’s head.
Perry gives the thumbs up and signals that he’s fine. A ton of blood coming out of Perry’s head now. Perry is hand fighting and gets out. Perry is on top now and keeps his head in Luque’s chest before posturing up for ground-and-pound. The clock expires and that’s it.
Official Result: Vicente Luque def. Mike Perry via split decision (28-29, 29-28, 29-28)
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