Video: Mirko Cro Cop latest to go all in on Pokemon Go craze

Pokemon GO, a new gaming app that allows players to walk around town to collect imaginary cartoon characters, is all the rage these days.
Just ask Ronda Rousey and Michael Page, who enjoyed his win over Cyborg Santos with a Pokemon…

Pokemon GO, a new gaming app that allows players to walk around town to collect imaginary cartoon characters, is all the rage these days.

Just ask Ronda Rousey and Michael Page, who enjoyed his win over Cyborg Santos with a Pokemon-inspired celebration.

But, if you think the game is reserved for fanatics or kids of a certain age, you’re highly mistaken. Mirko Filipovic is the latest to go all in on the game, as he can be seen in the video embedded above (courtesy of Fancy MMA) strolling through an airport looking for his very own Pokemon.

A long-time mixed martial arts (MMA) legend who can knock your block off if you mock him for doing so? What’s not to love?

“Cro Cop” will end his retirement to join the RIZIN FF 16-Man Open Weight Grand Prix on Sept. 25, 2016, in Tokyo, Japan, which will also include the likes of Wanderlei Silva and Kayayuki Fujita.

For more on that click here.