Waleska Karolaine Is Breaking MMA Barriers In Acre, Brazil

Waleska Karolaine is proud to be the only pro female MMA fighter from Acre, Brazil. Karolaine is fresh off her most recent win on June 4 at SFT 35 in São Paulo. This is the one of the largest MMA events in Brazil and Latin America and Karolaine defeated a difficult opponent in Patty Borges….

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Waleska Karolaine is proud to be the only pro female MMA fighter from Acre, Brazil.

Karolaine is fresh off her most recent win on June 4 at SFT 35 in São Paulo. This is the one of the largest MMA events in Brazil and Latin America and Karolaine defeated a difficult opponent in Patty Borges. Karolaine comes from a part of Brazil where women’s MMA is just getting started, Acre, a state in the North, west region with an estimate of 800,000

She is a part of Super Poderosas Girls team, one of the largest girls MMA team in Brazil. Karolaine got started on her MMA journey by taking jiu-jitsu in her home state and watching UFC on TV. She later transitioned over to MMA and found that she had to relocate to Rio de Janerio.

“I have four wins and only one loss,” Karolaine said to via Google translate. “I would like to have more sponsors from Acre, as I am the only woman to represent the state in professional MMA. I thank Miragina for helping me keep following my goals as an athlete.

Karolaine is just getting started on her MMA path and could soon be joining larger promotions. She wants to represent her state the best she can.

“I started MMA right there in my state of Acre, until I made my professional debut in Recife in October of 2018. After that, I had my second fight also in Acre., After that, I had a proposal to relocate my team here to Rio de Janeiro.”

Brazil is a breeding ground for many of the past and present MMA greats, perhaps Karolaine will be among these fighters one day.

You can watch Waleska Karolaine in action below!

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