Walt Harris: A Different Kind of Heavyweight

Patience.They say knockouts cannot be forced. You should never chase them. A finishing blow is about timing most of all and that can’t be rushed. One must wait for the opening to materialize, recognize the opportunity, and capitalize with devastating power and precision. In his UFC debut, Walt Harris delivered a big blast in the opening stages against Jared Rosholt at The Ultimate Fighter 18 Finale and dropped the wrestler early. From there, the excitement of the moment took Harris away from game plans and his power punches became telegraphed as he hunted for the knockout shot. It’s a mistake … Read the Full Article Here

Patience.They say knockouts cannot be forced. You should never chase them. A finishing blow is about timing most of all and that can’t be rushed. One must wait for the opening to materialize, recognize the opportunity, and capitalize with devastating power and precision. In his UFC debut, Walt Harris delivered a big blast in the opening stages against Jared Rosholt at The Ultimate Fighter 18 Finale and dropped the wrestler early. From there, the excitement of the moment took Harris away from game plans and his power punches became telegraphed as he hunted for the knockout shot. It’s a mistake … Read the Full Article Here