War Machine Sentenced to a Year in Jail

After a tumultuous couple of years filled with nearly as many fights outside the cage as in it, the fighter known as War Machine is headed to jail.

According to an Associated Press report, which incorrectly identified the man formerly known as Jon Kop…

After a tumultuous couple of years filled with nearly as many fights outside the cage as in it, the fighter known as War Machine is headed to jail.

According to an Associated Press report, which incorrectly identified the man formerly known as Jon Koppenhaver as an “Ultimate Fighting Championship competitor” in its opening paragraph (he was cut from the UFC in 2008 following some poorly timed remarks about the death of fellow fighter Evan Tanner), Mr. Machine pleaded guilty to a probation violation and to two felony counts of assault in San Diego on Thursday.

After narrowly avoiding incarceration for his past exploits, War Machine was sentenced to a year in jail and told to report a week after his scheduled bout with John Alessio at Tachi Palace Fights 5 on July 9, according to the report.