Why The MMA News Contributor Jake Daniels Is Picking GSP Over Koscheck

UFC 124 preview – Dec. 6, 2010 – by Jake Daniels
Referencing Wikipedia is apparently the “in” thing, so I’ll get that out of the way right off the top. “Wikipedia.” There. Two votes for Daniels.
I used the popular edited-by-anyone-with-a-keyboard-so-prone-to-error website to find a song about going to Montreal – because I wish I was. […]

Ufc 124 poster

UFC 124 preview – Dec. 6, 2010 – by Jake Daniels

Referencing Wikipedia is apparently the “in” thing, so I’ll get that out of the way right off the top. “Wikipedia.” There. Two votes for Daniels.

I used the popular edited-by-anyone-with-a-keyboard-so-prone-to-error website to find a song about going to Montreal – because I wish I was. Unfortunately a lack of travel/salary/lunch budget on the part of my bosses (sic) here at themmanews.com combined with previous commitments will not allow going to La Belle province to hopefully see George St-Pierre beat the actual snot out of Josh Koscheck.

Other than my penchant for seeing St-Pierre and Brock Lesnar win, most nights in the Octagon © I just want to see good fights. Providing the men in the ring are respectful to one another, and keep it within the rules, it generally doesn’t matter to me who gets his hand raised and belly button pointed at by the referee. I rarely pick winners any better than the friends I gamble on the fights with – which is the beauty of MMA.

Having never met either one of the men personally, all I can garner about the personalities of Saturday’s main event combatants is from what I see in interviews, and on TUF. St-Pierre could be a real dick for all we really know – but he comes off as smart, savvy, and charmingly French-Canadian. Koscheck, who will be booed relentlessly at the Bell center this weekend, might be the greatest buddy ever helped you drywall the basement – and bring beer.

What I AM sure of, are a few things; as a GSP fan and proud Canadian I never want to see his face mashed up and bloodied again. I want him to retire on top – whenever he feels the time is right – never having to taste his own blood while watching Dana White present his title belt to another man. I definitely do NOT want Koscheck to be that man.

Koscheck for some reason got under my skin the first time I saw him fight. He reminds me of every bully that ever bullied anyone, anywhere. His hair annoys me. His eyes annoy me. His constant 3-day growth annoys me. His nose… Don’t get me started on his nose.

“The Koss”, as he likes to call himself, also got his ass out-coached and out-classed on TUF by St-Pierre. Both guys who made it to the finale were in GSP’s camp on the show – and Jonathan Brookins and Michael Johnson each demonstrated talent, courage and honor in giving MMA fans a great 3-rounds. (Secretly I was cheering a little more for Brookins, just because he’s such a hippie)

For those reasons – and I may be blowing a shot at getting some home remodeling help here – I just want to see Koscheck’s nose relocated to where his ear used to be.

Oh and for the record, the song I was looking for would either be “Demain matin Montréal m’attend” (“Tomorrow morning Montreal awaits me”) by Michel Tremblay and François Dompierre, or “Je reviendrai à Montréal” (“I will come to Montreal”) by Robert Charlebois. Also Blue Rodeo, The Tragically Hip, Bran Van 3000 and a number of others have songs called “Montreal”… Wikipedia has everything…