In the UFC Vegas 19 co-main event we have a bantamweight matchup between Ketlen Vieira and Yana Kunitskaya.
Round 1: Ketlen Vieira comes out swinging big. Yana Kunitskaya lands a low-leg kick but is quickly defending a takedown attempt early. Kunitskaya does well to stay up early but is eventually dragged to the mat. Kunitskaya quickly pops back up. These two ladies are exchanging techniques against the fence. Vieira gets another takedown – this one is in the middle of the mat. She’s advancing position well here. Kunitskaya is able to prevent the mount for a moment but Vieira gets it. The Brazilian is trying to rain down strikes but is pushed back to half-guard. Vieira is trying again for the mount. Kunitskaya is hitting her with short shots from the bottom before rounds one ends.
Round 2: Kunitskaya is aggressive at the start of round two. She pushes her opponent against the fence. Lot’s of volume but nothing of note. Kunitskaya gets the fight to the floor. She’s sitting in her opponent’s guard throwing body shots. Vieira is very active in this position. Lots of submission attempts. So far, Kunitskaya has done well to defend. Vieira throws up a triangle choke. Kunitskaya defends once again. Vieira rolls for a leg lock. She doesn’t finish but uses the submission attempt to get back to her feet. Kunitskaya has the fight controlled against the fence. Viera hits the throw but is unable to secure the position. Kunitskaya is back up and in control. The fight is back down on the mat and Kunitskaya is throwing knees from side control. Kunitskaya is letting nasty elbows go to the body. Kunitskaya lands a head kick on Vieira as she stands back up towards the end of the second round.
Round 3: They touch gloves at the start of round three. It seems to be one round a piece at this point. We have a huge round ahead of us. Vieira shoots and scores with her takedown attempt. The Brazilian is in half guard trying her best to get into the mount. Kunitskaya is defending with everything. Eventually, she gets it. Just under three minutes left on the clock. Vieira transitions to the back. She’s got both hooks in but is up against the fence so it’s stifling her attacks. Kunitskaya clears one of the hooks and is throwing punches back at her opponent. The clock is ticking down now and this fight appears to be getting away from Kunitskaya. She eventually reverses the position and is throwing bombs at Vieira right up until the final bell.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Yana Kunitskaya def. Ketlen Vieira via unanimous decision