Ask Carmen #2: CagePotato’s Porn Correspondent Discusses Bolt-Ons, Bacon, and Flexibility

It’s a good day, ladies and gentlemen — adult film star and MMA fanatic Carmen Valentina has returned to to answer more of your questions and underwear-requests. If this is your first introduction to Ms. Valentina, believe us when we tell you that she is awesome. This is how awesome she is:

(Props to Francesca Le and Puma Swede for helping Carmen put together the greatest CagePotato shout-out video since Kimbo Slice.)

And now onto the latest installment of Ask Carmen. Enjoy, and be sure to follow Carmen on twitter @ClubCarmenXXX.

SocraticMethod asks: Fuck, marry, kill: Brock Lesnar, Mike Goldberg, Cris Cyborg

I would probably just kill myself and end the misery, but if I had to choose it would be: Marry Mike Goldberg (although hearing him say “Here we go!” every time before sex would get annoying), I might fuck Brock Lesnar and then whisper in his ear, “Cain Velasquez does it better” once it was over, and then kill Cris Cyborg, Scarface-chainsaw style.

Chri534 asks: We all know about how BJ Penn can put his legs behind his head without using his hands. Can you do the same, or maybe top him in some way? (With video/photo evidence, of course.)

I’ve always wondered how BJ Penn got his nickname, it makes sense now! To be honest I am really not that flexible (photo evidence below), but I am flexible enough where it counts.

It’s a good day, ladies and gentlemen — adult film star and MMA fanatic Carmen Valentina has returned to to answer more of your questions and underwear-requests. If this is your first introduction to Ms. Valentina, believe us when we tell you that she is awesome. This is how awesome she is:

(Props to Francesca Le and Puma Swede for helping Carmen put together the greatest CagePotato shout-out video since Kimbo Slice.)

And now onto the latest installment of Ask Carmen. Enjoy, and be sure to follow Carmen on twitter @ClubCarmenXXX.

SocraticMethod asks: Fuck, marry, kill: Brock Lesnar, Mike Goldberg, Cris Cyborg

I would probably just kill myself and end the misery, but if I had to choose it would be: Marry Mike Goldberg (although hearing him say “Here we go!” every time before sex would get annoying), I might fuck Brock Lesnar and then whisper in his ear, “Cain Velasquez does it better” once it was over, and then kill Cris Cyborg, Scarface-chainsaw style.

Chri534 asks: We all know about how BJ Penn can put his legs behind his head without using his hands. Can you do the same, or maybe top him in some way? (With video/photo evidence, of course.)

I’ve always wondered how BJ Penn got his nickname, it makes sense now! To be honest I am really not that flexible (photo evidence below), but I am flexible enough where it counts.

bgoldstein asks: Did you see that video of Bibi Jones tearfully quitting the porn biz? What did you think of that? And what would it take for you to retire from the adult film industry?

I only met Bibi Jones once when I interviewed her for a website, so I can’t say that I knew her personally or what made her decide to quit the industry. Everybody has his or her reasons for entering and leaving the business; if she felt it was time for her to leave, then I respect her decision. As for me personally, the day I retire would be the day the industry is no longer fun for me. Porn is not the only thing I do, so I don’t depend on it for my livelihood. I shoot scenes because I enjoy sex, being watched is a turn on for me, and I get to travel and go places that I probably wouldn’t have experienced if it wasn’t for the adult industry.

intercept440 asks: Carmen..has a dude ever “changed lanes without signaling”? And if so what was your response?

Dudes have tried, but I’m pretty active while in guard so I’m not getting caught in that. Besides where I’m from that shit will get you slapped homie.

Viva Hate asks: Big fan, big fan, I have seen all your work, may I also say you are the greatest actress since one Katharine Hepburn. So can I have a pair of them draws? Purely for star memorabilia of course

Sure, what color do you like and do you want them in a zip lock baggie?

geohutch88 asks: I am not familiar with your work…what films of yours do you recommend as your best?

Smack yourself for not checking out my website, I always take request from my members for requests/ideas they have for future upcoming scenes. If you are a DVD type guy, then check out any of my scenes for Wicked Pictures. Please forward all other inquiries to Viva Hate.

RWilsonR asks: Why have you opted to stay au naturale in the chest region, when most of the industry seems to have opted for enhancement?

I have always been comfortable with my body and who I am. I have never felt the need to change my body plus I don’t want to be a little old lady with huge bolt-ons one day.

Fried Taco asks: Have you ever used a Shewee? Would you use the urinals in the men’s room if you had one?

No, I’ve never used a Shewee. Although I have used a Shticky on a girls vagina once. I guess I would use a urinal if there was no other option, although I’m pretty sure I could convince some drunk guy to let me pee in his mouth.

GetOffMe asks: Was your first pet’s name Carmen and have you ever lived on a street named Valentina?

I lived on Goldstein Ave and my first pet’s name was Ben…but that name was already taken. So I just honestly came up with my name with some friends. I liked the sound of it. The rest is history.

Ksgbobo asks: If you liked me, and I asked you nicely, to make me a sandwich…what kind of sandwich would you make?

You’ll eat whatever f**king sandwich I feel like making at that time, which will probably include bacon.

Ksgbobo, again: Have you meet Shyla Stylez, Lisa Ann, or Amy Reid? If so, what do you think of them? Btw, besides yourself, they are my favorite.

I met Lisa once, she was really nice. The fact that I was able to fondle her boobs was a plus. Hope I get work with her at least once.

Viva Hate, again: Do you properly stretch before filming? I have seen some of the stuff you pull off and seems like you could easily pull something.

Proper stretching is essential. I usually read Cagepotato while in the full split position. I have shot with one girl though who inserted an inflatable ass stretcher in her butt before a scene. (It’s similar to the one Xeno uses so I‘ve heard.) She was able to fit my fist and then this baseball bat sized dildo inside of her. The scene is on my site if you want to check out some wholesome family entertainment.

Got any more questions for Carmen? Drop ‘em in the comments section, and who knows, you might get lucky.