Round 1: They exchange feints in the early seconds, then Cholish jumps into a short left hook from Clarke. Cholish seems to be looking for the takedown, but Clarke is fending him off well early on. Stiff jab from Cholish. Clarke jabs in from too far out and eats a counter right. Cholish manages a foot sweep, but Clarke is up in a hurry and looking for a suplex. Cholish defends and rolls, putting Clarke on his back and going to work from his guard. Cholish stands up out of the guard and thinks about attacking from there, but settles for letting Clarke up with less than two minutes left in the round. Clarke is the busier man on the feet, but he’s not landing much. He misses with two punches and Cholish stings him with a right. Clarke stuffs a Cholish takedown in the final ten seconds, but it’s still likely Cholish’s round. MMA Fighting scores it 10-9 for Cholish.
Round 1: They exchange feints in the early seconds, then Cholish jumps into a short left hook from Clarke. Cholish seems to be looking for the takedown, but Clarke is fending him off well early on. Stiff jab from Cholish. Clarke jabs in from too far out and eats a counter right. Cholish manages a foot sweep, but Clarke is up in a hurry and looking for a suplex. Cholish defends and rolls, putting Clarke on his back and going to work from his guard. Cholish stands up out of the guard and thinks about attacking from there, but settles for letting Clarke up with less than two minutes left in the round. Clarke is the busier man on the feet, but he’s not landing much. He misses with two punches and Cholish stings him with a right. Clarke stuffs a Cholish takedown in the final ten seconds, but it’s still likely Cholish’s round. MMA Fighting scores it 10-9 for Cholish.
Filed under: UFCNEWARK, NJ — This is the UFC 128 live blog for the three non-televised preliminary bouts on tonight’s UFC 128 event from the Prudential Center.
The dark matches will feature Joseph Benavidez vs. Ian Loveland, Nick Catone vs. Constanti…