Taylor Swift’s Influence Astonishes UFC Athlete After Presidential Election Endorsement Boost

Taylor Swift's Influence Astonishes UFC Athlete After Presidential Election Endorsement BoostLike it or not, Taylor Swift’s endorsement of current Vice President Kamala Harris could have major implications come election…

Taylor Swift's Influence Astonishes UFC Athlete After Presidential Election Endorsement Boost

Like it or not, Taylor Swift’s endorsement of current Vice President Kamala Harris could have major implications come election night in the United States.

Last week, ‘Tay-Tay’ made waves on social media when she announced that on November 5, she would be casting her vote for Harris shortly after the VP’s first debate with ex-POTUS Donald Trump was in the books.

Taylor Swift

“I will be casting my vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the 2024 Presidential Election,” she wrote in a lengthy post on Instagram. “I’m voting for @kamalaharris because she fights for the rights and causes I believe need a warrior to champion them. I think she is a steady-handed, gifted leader and I believe we can accomplish so much more in this country if we are led by calm and not chaos.”

Swift also posted a custom link to the vote.org website and encouraged her 284 million followers to register.

“I’ve done my research, and I’ve made my choice. Your research is all yours to do, and the choice is yours to make. I also want to say, especially to first time voters: Remember that in order to vote, you have to be registered! I also find it’s much easier to vote early,” she wrote in a corresponding Instagram story.

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According to a report from CBS News, Swift’s endorsement has sparked a “400% or 500% increase” in voter registration with roughly 10,000 people per hour.

‘Action Man’ shocked by the influence of Taylor Swift

Getting wind of the report, middleweight star Chris Curtis was genuinely surprised by the influence that Swift appears to have over her fans.

“Huh… well f*ck,” Curtis wrote on X. “Lmao, I guess I genuinely underestimated the sheer power of Taylor Swift. Guys, that’s actually kind of terrifying.”

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“I guess I’ve never had idols that influenced me on that level,” Curtis added while responding to fans online. “Like I honestly believe she could mobilize a small military force if she wanted to.”

Has the call to action from the 14-time Grammy Award winner influenced your decision to vote in the 2024 presidential election this fall?

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Dana White Clashes with CNN’s Laura Coates on Donald Trump and Kamala Harris: ‘It Goes Both Ways!’

Dana White CNN Donald Trump Kamala HarrisIn an interview with CNN, UFC President and RNC Speaker, Dana White had some choice words on Donald Trump…

Dana White CNN Donald Trump Kamala Harris

In an interview with CNN, UFC President and RNC Speaker, Dana White had some choice words on Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Trump and Harris will likely be running against one another in the upcoming US election this November.

Donald Trump and Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is a former Attorney General, District Attorney, and Senator. She is the current Vice President of the USA. As her November running mate, she chose former Command Sergeant Major and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on the Democratic Party ticket.

They will be running against the New York-born Donald Trump who is a luxury hotel billionaire and former President of the USA. For his running mate, Trump chose Silicon Valley investor, former Marine, and State Senator JD Vance. Vance and Trump will be representing the Republican Party.

Dana White On Donald Trump and Kamala Harris

Dana White has worked with Donald Trump in the past as Trump opened his casino doors to the UFC when the sport was nearly bankrupt. Later on, Trump would finance the MMA organization Affliction. More recently, Dana White has given speeches to the Republican Party campaigning for presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The UFC President and RNC Speaker White spoke with CNN’s Laura Coates to discuss the upcoming election. Coates is CNN’s chief legal analyst with a background as a federal prosecutor. Dana White explained his disdain for the media which includes CNN and FOX. He said:

“But either way, she’s going to say other nasty stuff about both of them. It goes both ways. And as voters, what we need to do is cut through all the BS and you have to look at who do you think is best fit to run the country for the next four years. That is our job as voters. All of this stuff is a bunch of nasty BS.”

“You guys are really bad. Fox is bad. Everybody’s bad. Cut through the BS and vote for who you think is most fit to run the country.”

On the upcoming election, White said:

“I don’t judge people by their politics and who they vote for or any of that stuff. I don’t know Kamala. She seems like she’s a nice person. I have nothing against her whatsoever, and like I said, I’m not political. But do I think that she is fit for the job? I do not.

Politics are the most disgusting, nasty, it’s atrocious what is said in politics. And things that are being said on one side are being said on the other side, too. [Similar things are being said] about Trump and, you know, his choice for vice president. It goes both ways. This isn’t like, ‘Oh my god, look what’s being said about Kamala.’ It goes both ways.” [H/t MMAWeekly]

See the full exchange below:

RNC Speaker Dana White Claims “I’m not political”

RNC Speaker Dana White Claims "I’m not political"Dana White can’t get through a single interview without mentioning his friendship with former U.S. president Donald Trump—but he’s…

RNC Speaker Dana White Claims "I’m not political"

Dana White can’t get through a single interview without mentioning his friendship with former U.S. president Donald Trump—but he’s not political.

Despite endorsing Trump at the Republican National Convention and regularly hosting ’45’ at events in both New York and New Jersey, White has repeatedly claimed that he is not a political person, nor does he care who anyone ultimately votes for.

Dana White at RNC

Still, that didn’t stop him from going in on current Vice President Kamala Harris who suddenly finds herself at the top of the liberal ticket following President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 election.

“I don’t judge people by their politics and who they vote for or any of that stuff,” White said in an interview with CNN’s Laura Coates. “Listen, I don’t know Kamala. She seems like she’s a nice person. I have nothing against her whatsoever and, like I said, I’m not political, but do I think that she’s fit for the job? I do not, personally” (h/t BJPenn.com).

No matter what his or anyone’s political ideals are, White recognizes that the subject is a killjoy, and no matter who comes out on top, it’s going to be a long and nasty road to an election night that is sure to leave millions frustrated, one way or another.

“But either way, she’s going to say other nasty stuff about both of them. It goes both ways,” White added. “And as voters, what we need to do is cut through all the BS and you have to look at who do you think is best fit to run the country for the next four years. That is our job as voters. All of this stuff is a bunch of nasty BS.”


Election night in America will coincide with Dana White’s return to MSG in November

The 2024 Presidential Election is scheduled to go down on Tuesday, November 5. Though not officially announced, Dana White and Co. is expected to return to Madison Square Garden just four days later for UFC 309. If Trump once again wins the race to 270, it’s almost a foregone conclusion that he’ll make an appearance at the event to celebrate his victory.

And if he loses, he’ll probably show up anyway and try to kickstart another coup.

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