And In Karma News… Brett Rogers Denied Travel Visa; NYE DREAM Bout With Tim Sylvia Cancelled

(Penny for your thoughts, Brett.) is reporting that the planned heavyweight bout between Brett Rogers and Tim Sylvia has been scrapped because “Da’ Grim” was denied a travel visa to Japan due to his recent dust-up with his wife that landed him behind bars and on trial for domestic assault.

(Penny for your thoughts, Brett.) is reporting that the planned heavyweight bout between Brett Rogers and Tim Sylvia has been scrapped because “Da’ Grim” was denied a travel visa to Japan due to his recent dust-up with his wife that landed him behind bars and on trial for domestic assault.

Although a plea bargain that saw all of the charges against the onetime Strikeforce fighter reduced to misdemeanors, it looks like probation will prevent him from leaving the country until the terms of his sentencing have been fulfilled, including completion of an anger management course and substance abuse counselling.

I think I speak for everyone here when I say that it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. Hopefully he doesn’t go on a holiday bender and renew old habits.

According to the report, the Japanese promotion tried to set up a rematch between Sylvia and Fedor Emelianenko, but opted instead to match “The Last Emperor” up with former Olympic Judo gold medalist Satoshi Ishii.