Hot Potato: 10 Photos of WCFC Ring Girl Lauren Monday, a.k.a “ALL CAPS GIRL”

Now *this* is what we love about having a website that is seen by thousands of people on a daily basis. Just yesterday, Danga took note of a particularly stunning ring girl who popped up during the resin-filled nightmare that was the WAR MMA behind-the-scenes footage, eloquently noting “MY GOD DAT GIRL ON THE RIGHT.” Truly a wordsmith, dat Danga.

Anyway, less than 24 hours later, we received a tweet from QuestionableStoppage identifying “all caps girl” as West Coast Fighting Championship ring girl Lauren Monday, a 21 year-old, Sacramento based model who hopes to one day grace the pages of Sports Illustrated and possibly Victoria’s Secret according to her ModelMayhem page. Reach for the stars, Lauren. Reach for the stars.

Check out our favorite photos of Ms. London in the gallery after the jump, then swing by her Facebook page and/or follow her on Twitter for more videos and pictures, then make sure to visit QuestionableStoppage for all your ring girl and local fight needs.

Now *this* is what we love about having a website that is seen by thousands of people on a daily basis. Just yesterday, Danga took note of a particularly stunning ring girl who popped up during the resin-filled nightmare that was the WAR MMA behind-the-scenes footage, eloquently noting “MY GOD DAT GIRL ON THE RIGHT.” Truly a wordsmith, dat Danga.

Anyway, less than 24 hours later, we received a tweet from QuestionableStoppage identifying “all caps girl” as West Coast Fighting Championship ring girl Lauren Monday, a 21 year-old, Sacramento based model who hopes to one day grace the pages of Sports Illustrated and possibly Victoria’s Secret according to her ModelMayhem page. Reach for the stars, Lauren. Reach for the stars.

Check out our favorite photos of Ms. London in the gallery above, then swing by her Facebook page and/or follow her on Twitter for more videos and pictures, then make sure to visit QuestionableStoppage for all your ring girl and local fight needs.