I Can’t Tell if This Ronda Rousey Tattoo Is Brilliant or Terrible

(“Close enough, let’s do some blow.” – Artist *and* client, simultaneously, I imagine.)

We here at CagePotato.com are a cynical bunch, so naturally, our first instincts upon seeing this Ronda Rousey tattoo were to mock it relentlessly. But upon further review, perhaps this isn’t the single worst fan tattoo since some jaggoff got a tattoo of Arianny the Big-headed T-Rex. Hell, it may be subtle enough to be the single greatest fan tattoo of all time. For example:

– That whole face thing the tattoo has going on? Clearly a tribute to Rousey vs. Tate II, which, judging by the nasty hematoma under Rousey’s eye, this guy believes will end via knockout.

– See how the body of Rousey the woman creature in this tattoo is fat, lacks anything resembling muscles, and has a boob job that was probably done at Wal K-Mart? That’s because only men have big, ugly muscles, so if you’re enjoying a hand bra from a creature with muscles, then you’re fantasizing about a dude.

(“Close enough, let’s do some blow.” – Artist *and* client, simultaneously, I imagine.)

We here at CagePotato.com are a cynical bunch, so naturally, our first instincts upon seeing this Ronda Rousey tattoo were to mock it relentlessly. But upon further review, perhaps this isn’t the single worst fan tattoo since some jaggoff got a tattoo of Arianny the Big-headed T-Rex. Hell, it may be subtle enough to be the single greatest fan tattoo of all time. For example:

– That whole face thing the tattoo has going on? Clearly a tribute to Rousey vs. Tate II, which, judging by the nasty hematoma under Rousey’s eye, this guy believes will end via knockout.

– See how the body of Rousey the woman creature in this tattoo is fat, lacks anything resembling muscles, and has a boob job that was probably done at Wal K-Mart? That’s because only men have big, ugly muscles, so if you’re enjoying a hand bra from a creature with muscles, then you’re fantasizing about a dude.

– Those laughably scrawny arms aren’t a product of a terrible “artist,” but rather, a clever tribute to Ronda’s signature armbar.

– You know why the tattoo replaced the pink handwraps with UFC gloves? Because Strikeforce isn’t even a real thing anymore, bro. Ronda is in the UFC now, and damn it, her hands need to reflect this.

– The inner thigh placement of this tattoo (we think?)? It’s IRONY, YOU MORONS! It’s his way of acknowledging that only a total jackass who will never know the touch of a beautiful woman would get a chick’s face tattooed on his inner thigh. But this guy is probably banging three different chicks as I type this, so irony, you guys.

Either all that stuff, or it’s a shitty tattoo. You tell me.
