MMA Meme of the Day: Ballerinas Knocking Out MMA Fighters

From the mad genius known as Masato Toys, here are some totally random photoshops of ballerinas knocking out MMA fighters. If we were one of those clickbait sites, we’d title this post, “Ballerinas Knocking Out MMA Fighters Is the Greatest MMA Meme in the World, OMG #4 Will Make You Cry,” and every image would be on a separate slide that required you to watch a 32-second Lincoln MKZ commercial before you could view it, but we’ve pretty much given up on making a profit at this point, so instead, check out a few of our favorite ballerina/MMA memes (which continue after the jump), and see the rest here.

From the mad genius known as Masato Toys, here are some totally random photoshops of ballerinas knocking out MMA fighters. If we were one of those clickbait sites, we’d title this post, “Ballerinas Knocking Out MMA Fighters Is the Greatest MMA Meme in the World, OMG #4 Will Make You Cry,” and every image would be on a separate slide that required you to watch a 32-second Lincoln MKZ commercial before you could view it, but we’ve pretty much given up on making a profit at this point, so instead, check out a few of our favorite ballerina/MMA memes (which continue after the jump), and see the rest here.

When MMA Goes Mainstream Expect More of This On Newsstands

We’re big fans of Masato Toys’ MMA action figure series, so when we saw his latest work on the first issue of MMAtional Enquirer, we knew our readers would dig it too.

Besides Roger Huerta and Tito on TMZ, we haven’t really had any MMA luminaries who have gotten much attention from the tabloids. Not sure that’s a bad thing, but it’s likely to change as the sport grows and gets more mainstream.

We had our suspicions about Roy, but the Arianny-Ariel affair surprised the hell out of us us since you’ve got to fight to love her.

Check out the inside of the rag after the jump.

We’re big fans of Masato Toys’ MMA action figure series, so when we saw his latest work on the first issue of MMAtional Enquirer, we knew our readers would dig it too.

Besides Roger Huerta and Tito on TMZ, we haven’t really had any MMA luminaries who have gotten much attention from the tabloids. Not sure that’s a bad thing, but it’s likely to change as the sport grows and gets more mainstream.

We had our suspicions about Roy, but the Arianny-Ariel affair surprised the hell out of us us since you’ve got to fight to love her.

Click on the pages below to enlarge the inside pages of the rag.

Check out more from Masato Toys on their Facebook page.