[VIDEO] – Go Behind-the-Scenes of Jon Jones’ Latest UFC Magazine Cover Shoot

(Pufferface: Because duckface is so 2010.) 

Much was made about Jon Jones’ recent Muhammed Ali-inspired cover for the May issue of UFC Magazine. Some thought it was way too early in Jones’ career to make such comparisons, some thought it was awesome, and other conspiracy theorist types launched into possibly one of the most pointless arguments I have ever had the displeasure of reading; the “puffiness” of Jones’ cheeks and whether or not the photo was faked. Really, guys?

Regardless of what side of the fence you stand on, check out this behind-the-scenes look at the cover shoot so we can all put this argument to rest.

(Pufferface: Because duckface is so 2010.) 

Much was made about Jon Jones’ recent Muhammed Ali-inspired cover for the May issue of UFC Magazine. Some thought it was way too early in Jones’ career to make such comparisons, some thought it was awesome, and other conspiracy theorist types launched into possibly one of the most pointless arguments I have ever had the displeasure of reading; the “puffiness” of Jones’ cheeks and whether or not the photo was faked. Really, guys?

Regardless of what side of the fence you stand on, check out this behind-the-scenes look at the cover shoot so we can all put this argument to rest.

Funny that photographer Michael Muller would talk about how to avoid the “puffy fish” syndrome when photographing underwater, yet it was the first thing the Potato Nation commented upon when presented with the final product. It just goes to show that you guys are truly experts in every facet of life, period, and should never let anyone tell you otherwise. They may call us foul-mouthed, ignominious assholes, but we are damn observant foul-mouthed, ignominious assholes.

Another thing of note: Jon Jones somehow acts more natural when rocking a pair of burning gloves than he does when asked his opinion of Rashad Evans during a live broadcast.

-The Other J. Jones