Gray Maynard Climbs Rope Using Only His Arms For Gripping, Hits With 1400 Pounds of Force (VIDEO)

Gray Maynard showed off his super strength by climbing a rope at a speed of 3 ft per second for ESPN Sport Science. Gray holds one of the fastest knockouts in history at 9 seconds.

Gray Maynard showed off his super strength by climbing a rope at a speed of 3 ft per second for ESPN Sport Science. Gray holds one of the fastest knockouts in history at 9 seconds in the first round against Joe Veres. Makes you wonder what kind of abuse Frankie Edgar‘s head can take, that he didn’t get knocked out in the first round of UFC 125. Maybe Sport Science can do a feature on that next. Frankie Edgar vs. Gray Maynard III happens this Saturday live from Houston at UFC 136.

Um… Can a Contact High Get You a Positive Result on a Drug Test?

Dave Herman tested positive for marijuana in his system which led to his fight being yanked off the UFC 136 card, but Herman told MMAFighting‘s Ben Fowlkes that he doesn’t actually smoke weed. Herman said:.

Dave Herman tested positive for marijuana in his system which led to his fight being yanked off the UFC 136 card, but Herman told MMAFighting‘s Ben Fowlkes that he doesn’t actually smoke weed. Herman said:

“I do not smoke marijuana. I can’t say I’m not around it. I live in California. Pretty much everyone out here smokes weed. Maybe I need to pick my friends a little better. I don’t know.”

This lead me to wonder if maybe Herman who has probably been cutting weight recently, may have gotten a late night sweet tooth which lead him into a buddy’s kitchen where a delicious plate of brownies on a counter got the better of him. Or maybe… he was in a car with a bunch of potheads. I did some intense research which consisted of me googling the question i actually titled this post with: “can a contact high get you a positive result on a drug test?” and I found this answer from what I will put my reputation on the line for and say is a reliable resource called and it says:

Generally, no you cannot test positive for marijuana if you didn’t smoke it. Second-hand smoke is not concentrated enough to show up in your system; however if you are in an air-tight environment such as a car or even a closet where companions are smoking and you inhaled deeply, then yes you can test positive.

So there you have it. Poor Dave Herman got smoked out in a car. Life is unfair.

The Drunk Michael Bisping Interview is Almost as Good as the Drunk Chuck Liddell Interview (VIDEO)

Some guy from MMANYTT ( a Swedish MMA site) attempted to interview TUF 14 coach, Michael Bisping but it didn’t go over very well, probably because Michael Bisping is an asshole outspoken. It also seems.

Some guy from MMANYTT ( a Swedish MMA site) attempted to interview TUF 14 coach, Michael Bisping but it didn’t go over very well, probably because Michael Bisping is an asshole outspoken. It also seems Bisping could be drunk, or maybe this MMANYTT guy is as bad an interviewer as I am and bored Bisping to becoming slightly an asshole abrasive. Either way, it’s an interview reminiscent of drunk Chuck Liddell on some Texas morning show and you should watch that here because even though it’s like 5 years old, it’s still so fun to watch that it should be what the internets deem a classic.

Then watch Bisping’s shining personality in the video below:

Is There Truth to “Spy Gate”? Why Did This Dude Leonard Resign from MusclePharm?

Quinton “Rampage” Jackson tweeted today that he revealed the first name, “Leonard” as the “spy” who was filtering information on his camp at MusclePharm to Jon Jones‘ team: And in rather coinicidental news, an Executive.

Quinton “Rampage” Jackson tweeted today that he revealed the first name, “Leonard” as the “spy” who was filtering information on his camp at MusclePharm to Jon Jones‘ team:

And in rather coinicidental news, an Executive Vice President of MusclePharm named, Leonard Armenta has recently (as of September 16th) resigned from his position with the supplemental company whose new training facility housed Jackson during his UFC 135 training camp. Could this serve as proof to Jackson’s accusations or is it one misfortunate misunderstanding? Jon Jones tweeted his regards to the employee who was fired due to “Rampage[‘]s paranoia.”

Fightline provides us with the terms of Armenta’s resignation citing that a filing with Securities and Exchange Commission shows: “the resignation was not a result of any disagreements with the company on any matters relating to the operations, polices or practices of MusclePharm.”

We’re sure there is more to come surrounding “spy gate” and we’re even more positive that we’re going to get an amazing showdown out of this thing come tomorrow night! So really, whether this stuff is true or not, it’s totally win-win for us! Bet you those pay-per-view buys go through the roof!

Rampage Again Calls Out Jon Jones On “Spy Gate” and Says His Stand-Up is Sh*t (VIDEO)

Quinton “Rampage” Jackson made another video for his fans to address Jon Jones‘ reaction to “Spy Gate”, like speaking in British tongue to mock Jackson’s accusations that he planted a spy in Jackson’s camp. Jackson.

Quinton “Rampage” Jackson made another video for his fans to address Jon Jones‘ reaction to “Spy Gate”, like speaking in British tongue to mock Jackson’s accusations that he planted a spy in Jackson’s camp. Jackson reiterates once again, he believes Jones’ camp did use a spy and also he says Jones’ “stand up is sh*t.” Jackson also tells his fans, he wants a stand up and exciting fight and is prepared for it.

Jon Jones Admits He’s a Spy. As Proof, Gives Interview in British Accent (VIDEO)

Well, to all the analysts saying that Quinton “Rampage” Jackson has gotten into Jon Jones‘ head, Jones looks out to prove that he knows how to f*ck with people right back. Jones gave a radio.

Well, to all the analysts saying that Quinton “Rampage” Jackson has gotten into Jon Jones‘ head, Jones looks out to prove that he knows how to f*ck with people right back. Jones gave a radio interview with MMA Nation on 106.7 in Washington, D.C., never breaking from a British accent and admits he got caught spying on Jackson’s training camp. It’s a different attempt for Jones to show a sense of humor and mess around like this, but almost a failed attempt, with trying to show he’s not “cocky” as Rampage and Rashad Evans claim. Come on, Jones… the British aren’t exactly known for being humble and it’s probably not a good idea to remind us of Michael Bisping.