Next up on the UFC Vegas 4 main card at the Apex facility is a welterweight bout between Takashi Sato and Jason Witt. Round 1: Witt lands a couple of leg kicks. He lands a body shot. Sato drops Witt with a straight left. Witt tries to fight back but is ultimately finished with multiple […]
Next up on the UFC Vegas 4 main card at the Apex facility is a welterweight bout between Takashi Sato and Jason Witt.
Round 1: Witt lands a couple of leg kicks. He lands a body shot. Sato drops Witt with a straight left. Witt tries to fight back but is ultimately finished with multiple strikes. What a performance!
Official result: Takashi Sato defeats Jason Witt via knockout (R1, ).
Kicking off the UFC Vegas 4 main card at the Apex facility is a catchweight bout between Sean Woodson and Julian Erosa. Round 1: Woodson starts off with a stiff jab and is the one advancing early on. Erosa lands a leg kick. Woodson returns with one of his own. Woodson lands a nice left. […]
Kicking off the UFC Vegas 4 main card at the Apex facility is a catchweight bout between Sean Woodson and Julian Erosa.
Round 1: Woodson starts off with a stiff jab and is the one advancing early on. Erosa lands a leg kick. Woodson returns with one of his own. Woodson lands a nice left. He misses with a flying knee but lands a leg kick soon after. Erosa starts landing a couple of leg kicks. Woodson lands a couple of punches but Erosa eats them. He momentarily attempts a takedown attempt against the fence but returns to striking. Woodson blocks a head kick but eats a knee to the head. Woodson lands a quick one two. Woodson is clinched up against the fence but Erosa separates soon after. Erosa slips but may have been pulling guard as the round comes to an end.
Round 2: Erosa is the one pressuring and clinches him up against the fence. He lands an elbow on Woodson but the latter is fine. Woodson lands a body kick and Erosa returns with a combo. Woodson still seems to be in control despite taking a lot more damage this round. Erosa lands some nice body shots and is continuing to pile on the pressure but Woodson is calm and moving well. Woodson is returning with some jabs and hooks. The round ends with Erosa clinching him against the fence.
Round 3: Erosa tries to clinch Woodson but gets dropped with two punches. Erosa keeps fighting as he gets up and attempts a flying knee. They return to striking. Woodson is landing a lot more strikes now which seem to be doing damage. Erosa attempts a takedown but is unable to get Woodson down. Erosa lands two takedowns but Woodson gets up. However, Erosa has his neck and sinks in the D’arce choke to get the tap!
Official result: Julian Erosa defeats Sean Woodson via D’arce choke submission (R3, 2:44).
As Mike Perry’s next fight approaches, it appears he remains serious about having his girlfriend as his sole corner. Perry meets Mickey Gall in the co-main event of UFC Vegas 4 taking place this Saturday at the Apex facility. “Platinum” made headlines when he revealed last month that he was ditching his coaches and would […]
Perry meets Mickey Gall in the co-main event of UFC Vegas 4 taking place this Saturday at the Apex facility. “Platinum” made headlines when he revealed last month that he was ditching his coaches and would solely have his girlfriend in his corner.
At the time, he stated how he felt he never really got advice from them. And with just days to go for his fight with Gall, Perry still plans on going ahead with no qualified coaches.
“Yes sir, just one,” Perry said to Ariel Helwani when asked if he was just going to have his girlfriend has his corner before answering why. “‘Cause she’s perfect.”
Perry: Girlfriend Will Have Best Seat In The House
Unsurprisingly, Perry’s girlfriend has no real mixed martial arts experience.
But that doesn’t matter for Perry who feels he doesn’t need advice — especially as he has already mapped out how his fight with Gall would go.
“No,” Perry added when asked if she had combat experience. “She’s just a tough peanut butter cup chocolate chip cookie and she has experience in boxing and wrestling. Believe it or not, she wrestled in high school.”
“She’s gonna do the number one thing that I could ask of a coach — just sit there and enjoy the show because you’ve got the best seat in the house. I don’t need your advice anyways. I’ve done the work. It’s done. I’ve seen the fight in my head a thousand times. I’m gonna bust this dude in the face and I’m gonna bust his chops, bro. That’s it.”
"She's gonna do the number one thing that I could ask of a coach; just sit there and enjoy the show, because you've got the best seat in the house."@PlatinumPerry confirmed to @arielhelwani that Perry's girlfriend will be his lone corner at
Dan Hooker doesn’t believe Dustin Poirier will solely stand up with him. The pair of lightweights are set to headline UFC Vegas 4 which takes place June 27 at the Apex facility. For “The Diamond”, it’s a chance to bounce back from his submission defeat to Khabib Nurmagomedov in their title fight last September. For […]
Dan Hooker doesn’t believe Dustin Poirier will solely stand up with him.
The pair of lightweights are set to headline UFC Vegas 4 which takes place June 27 at the Apex facility. For “The Diamond”, it’s a chance to bounce back from his submission defeat to Khabib Nurmagomedov in their title fight last September.
For Hooker, it is a chance to truly cement himself as a potential contender for the lightweight title, having won seven of his last eight outings. And while the New Zealander rates Poirier’s boxing, he believes the former interim champion will mix things up when they fight.
The reason? He doesn’t have the durability that Hooker’s last opponent Paul Felder — who fought him in a back-and-forth 25 minute war — does to keep the fight a striking battle.
“That’s the thing — he’s definitely going to have to adjust his game a little bit,” Hooker told MMA Fighting. “I feel like pressuring me, taking a shot, giving it, taking a shot, giving a shot is just not the way to best approach it. I don’t feel like Dustin can take a shot as well as Paul Felder can. From watching the tape of both of those fighters, I don’t think Poirier has the chin Felder does.
“I feel I can put Dustin away. If I keep touching him, there’s no way that Dustin’s going to be able to eat those shots and be able to recover from the damage I’m generally able to inflict on opponents.”
Hooker: Poirier Fight Is Win-Win
Regardless of the result, Hooker feels he’s in a win-win position when he faces Poirier.
If he defeats Poirier, it would be arguably the biggest win of his career and spearhead him into title contention. If he loses, he would still get a huge paycheck and not drop too low in the rankings, if at all.
“I would have to be stupid to not take this fight,” Hooker said. “The way I look at it, it’s a win-win situation. I’m No. 5, I’m fighting the No. 3 [ranked lightweight]. I plan on going out there, putting on one heck of a show and putting Dustin away and earning myself a title shot. That’s what my mind is set on.
“But worst-case scenario, I get my ass whooped, I don’t move that far down in the rankings and I get to make a bunch of money for my family. So the way I’m looking at it is already a win-win situation. There’s not a heck of a lot of pressure on me if I’m being honest.”
Regardless, “Hangman” is naturally looking to get the victory. And he feels a decisive one could lead to a title shot.
“I definitely have the best resume for a title shot,” Hooker added. “Winning against Dustin Poirier, especially in a good fight. A good back and forth entertaining matchup or via knockout, I solidify myself with the next best resume.”