Daniel Cormier: A Few Years Ago, My Family Was ‘on Welfare’

Daniel Cormier was one of the brightest collegiate wrestling prospects in the country, but he never won an NCAA Division I title. A rare opportunity for Olympic gold came calling in 2004, but once again, Cormier was denied in his bid to be a world champion. The 36-year-old native of Lafayette, Louisiana, never knew what […]

Daniel Cormier was one of the brightest collegiate wrestling prospects in the country, but he never won an NCAA Division I title. A rare opportunity for Olympic gold came calling in 2004, but once again, Cormier was denied in his bid to be a world champion. The 36-year-old native of Lafayette, Louisiana, never knew what […]

Nick Diaz Visits the Welfare Office, And It Is Sad [VIDEO]

(Props: NickDiaz209 via r/MMA)

Let’s just clear something up first: Nick Diaz isn’t applying for welfare himself in the above clip, although he does remain retired from fighting and has no passive income to speak of. Nick is simply along for the ride as two of his friends fill out forms for some good ‘ol financial assistance. (One of the friends appears to be Chris Diaz, a knife-packing entourage member who may or may not be related to the skinnier, more successful Diazes.) Though the mood among the three gentlemen remains light, the video is still massively depressing for the following reasons:

– Man, is the Stockton welfare office packed or what?

– As Diaz observes, that little girl is indeed doing “snow angels” on the floor.

– Chris clearly has no intention of supporting himself through honest labor. “They’re gonna ask me for my work number?” he asks. “Come on.” Nick helpfully suggests that he lists “jiu-jitsu bum” as his occupation.

As a brief, unsettling window into Nick’s daily life, this clip ranks up there with Throwing Knives in the Kitchen, Failed Front Flip, and Guy Carrying Large Marijuana Plant. Enjoy, I guess?

(Props: NickDiaz209 via r/MMA)

Let’s just clear something up first: Nick Diaz isn’t applying for welfare himself in the above clip, although he does remain retired from fighting and has no passive income to speak of. Nick is simply along for the ride as two of his friends fill out forms for some good ‘ol financial assistance. (One of the friends appears to be Chris Diaz, a knife-packing entourage member who may or may not be related to the skinnier, more successful Diazes.) Though the mood among the three gentlemen remains light, the video is still massively depressing for the following reasons:

– Man, is the Stockton welfare office packed or what?

– As Diaz observes, that little girl is indeed doing “snow angels” on the floor.

– Chris clearly has no intention of supporting himself through honest labor. “They’re gonna ask me for my work number?” he asks. “Come on.” Nick helpfully suggests that he lists “jiu-jitsu bum” as his occupation.

As a brief, unsettling window into Nick’s daily life, this clip ranks up there with Throwing Knives in the Kitchen, Failed Front Flip, and Guy Carrying Large Marijuana Plant. Enjoy, I guess?