The 6 Best Casts in ‘The Ultimate Fighter’ History

Let’s face it, whether you are sick of it or not, The Ultimate Fighter is a big part of UFC history and a way that the company has spread its product to new fans.
That’s true even after over 20 seasons on the air.
The show has produced UFC champions, l…

Let’s face it, whether you are sick of it or not, The Ultimate Fighter is a big part of UFC history and a way that the company has spread its product to new fans.

That’s true even after over 20 seasons on the air.

The show has produced UFC champions, legendary fighters and memorable fights that give it a place dear in all of our hearts. It’s had its ups and downs, but has nonetheless been beneficial to both the company and fighters.

So which seasons had the best fighters?

That is what we must examine right now. Excluding international versions such as TUF Brazil, Latin America, China, Smashes and Nations, we need to take a look at the American portions of the show and see which seasons contributed the most talent.

Without further ado, here are the six best TUF casts in the show’s history.

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