The Best Finishing Moves in the UFC

The finishing move is a pro wrestling concept. It’s the culminating hold or blow that puts away an opponent (at least ostensibly) for good, and all great wrestlers have one that belongs entirely to them.
Being products of the real world and all, MMA fi…

The finishing move is a pro wrestling concept. It’s the culminating hold or blow that puts away an opponent (at least ostensibly) for good, and all great wrestlers have one that belongs entirely to them.

Being products of the real world and all, MMA fighters don’t have such moves. The circumstances are simply too varied and unpredictable to make finishing moves possible.

Or so it would seem.

On closer review, there actually are some elite fighters who have taken a move and made it their own. Because they invented it, because they’re better at it than everyone else, because it’s a tool they consistently use to finish fights, because it’s exceptionally dramatic or some combination of these factors, one might say some MMA competitors do, indeed, have what one might call a finishing move.

Let us now look at the top signature finishing moves in the UFC right now. They are ranked based on their uniqueness, their effectiveness and the prominence of the fighter using them.

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