Cub Swanson Defeats Artem Lobov In Hard-Hitting Brawl

In the main event from UFC Nashville tonight (Sat. April 22, 2017) No. 4-ranked Cub Swanson took on unranked Artem Lobov, longtime training partner and friend of UFC lightweight champ Conor McGregor. Round One: A leg kick is the first strike of the fight from Swanson. Swanson then ducks a strike and attempts a takedown

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In the main event from UFC Nashville tonight (Sat. April 22, 2017) No. 4-ranked Cub Swanson took on unranked Artem Lobov, longtime training partner and friend of UFC lightweight champ Conor McGregor.

Round One:

A leg kick is the first strike of the fight from Swanson. Swanson then ducks a strike and attempts a takedown but it’s stuffed by Lobov, who pressures Swanson against the cage before getting a takedown of his own. Swanson powers back up and begin to exchange strikes once again.

Swanson lands a nice kick to the body and Lobov responds with a leg kick. Lobov really getting in some nice leg kicks now, before landing a straight left. Swanson throws a spinning head kick that misses, and Lobov responds with one to the body that also hits air.

Lobov resumes his attack on Swanson’s leg and lands a nice body shot as well. The round ends with a head-kick from Swanson and Lobov responding with a few blocked shots to the head.

Round Two:

Both men want to press the action to open the round, and Swanson lands a big high-kick that Lobov seems to eat without a blink. More shots to the chin land for Swanson and Lobov continues the attack on his front leg. A big overhand right lands for Lobov but Swanson responds with a hook of his own.

Lobov catches Swanson with some knees to the body in the clinch and Swanson is able to avoid a couple of trips. The pair exchange shots in the clinch for quite a while, most likely to catch their breaths, and Swanson throws Lobov down and gets top control. Swanson gets the mount and then takes Lobov’s back.

Swanson throws some nice shots to the head of Lobov from the back, but Lobov stands up and is able to buck Swanson off. The round ends with a right hand landing for Lobov.

Round Three:

The pair exchange leg kicks to open the round and Swanson is able to land a pair of left hooks. Swanson lands a few more left hooks and smiles right at Lobov. A big overhand right lands for Swanson and Lobov responds with a straight left. And inside elbow lands for Swanson, who now initiates the clinch.

Lobov throws Swanson off and lands a nice body shot before eating a couple of big hooks from Swanson. Swanson lands a nice wheel kick and follows it up with some more big shots that seem to wobble Lobov now. The ref calls for a time out to check on a cut that has opened on Lobov’s eyelid.

The doctor clears Lobov to continue and we’re back underway. Swanson resumes pressure and attacks Lobov’s lead leg. Another big left hook lands from Swanson, and who follows that up with a nice crane kick. Swanson continues to land nice combinations on the Russian while avoiding strikes at teh same time.

Swanson lands a beautiful straight right to Lobov’s chin, and the round ends with a cartwheel kick landing from Swanson – but it was caught and he was taken down just before the horn.

Round Four:

Swanson lands a nice front kick to the body to start the round. Lobov lands an uppercut that buckles Swanson’s knees and then pressures him against the cage. Swanson wiggles free and eats a right hook from Lobov. Lobov lands a few more left hooks and the two re-engage in the clinch.

A spinning back elbow from Swanson breaks up the action and lands flush. A few more hooks land for Swanson and the two begin exchanging nice shots again. Lobov now shoots in on a takedown but it’s stuffed and they clinch up again. They disengage and Swanson lands a right hand that wobbles Lobov.

Two straight rights land for Swanson and Lobov fails on another takedown attempt. Lobov lands a nice knee in the clinch and Swanson throws a spinning head kick that doesn’t land to end the round.

Round Five:

Both men touch gloves and bow to open the fifth and final round. Lobov lands a shot to Swanson’s chin that sends him down but it was most likely due to loss of balance. Swanson pops back up and pressures Lobov against the cage.

Lobov gets free and they begin to exchange hard shots again. Swanson lans three punches to Lobov’s chin but the Russian continues to press forward. Swanson again pressures Lobov against the cage, Lobov changes level for a takedown, but it’s stuffed. Another takedown attempt from Lobov is stuffed and again we’re clinched against the cage.

Swanson gets a knee up and hits Lobov in the chin but he continues to press him against the cage. Swanson is agle to get free now and lands a nice combination to Lobov’s chin. A nice head-kick lands for Swanson but Lobov remains unfazed. They clinch up again and Swanson gets a beautiful judo thrown and establishes mount.

Swanson gets Lobov’s back, who again stands and wiggles him off. The round ends with a slugfest between the two and they embrace after the horn.

Official Result: Cub Swanson def. Artem Lobov via Unanimous Decision (49-46, 49-46, 50-45)

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