First Round
In a heavyweight bout, Seth Petruzelli took on a Ricco Rodriguez.
Both fighters came out swinging, but Petruzelli was getting the better of the stand up.
Landing a myriad of punches and leg kicks, Petruzelli mixed things up by taking down Rodriguez. Finding little opportunities on the ground, Petruzelli stood back up and kept at his striking game.
Rodriguez attempted to take his opponent down, but Petruzelli’s takedown defense was on point, stuffing each shot with relative ease.
With less than a minute left, Petruzelli landed a spinning back kick to Rodriguez’s midsection, followed with a spinning hook kick to the head.
It was an overhand right, however, that sealed the deal for the “Kimbo Killer”, buckling the former UFC champion. Petruzelli followed up the punch with a powerful double hammerfist forcing the referee to call an end to the bout.
Official Decision: Seth Petruzelli defeats Ricco Rodriguez via knockout in the first round.