Brock Lesnar and the 10 Most Intense Fighters of All Time

While mixed martial arts continues it’s stride towards main stream acceptance, there is a number of fighters who still possess that extra chromosome—the one that harkens back to those primitive, caveman days where the basic level of society was b…

While mixed martial arts continues it’s stride towards main stream acceptance, there is a number of fighters who still possess that extra chromosome—the one that harkens back to those primitive, caveman days where the basic level of society was broken down to two sects: hunters and gatherers

The fighters who have that fire that is rarely seen in others today, needless to say, makes them stand out before most. 

Perhaps no one fighter epitomizes the feverish personality that would truly define an “intense fighter” better than that of Brock Lesnar, the former UFC heavyweight champion.

Color commentator Joe Rogan likens Lesnar’s daunting appearance to that of a man from the medieval days, saying “If this was hundreds of years ago, Brock would have had the biggest horse and the biggest sword while going into battle. This man was made for one thing, to wage war and battle.”

So, besides Lesnar, who else can make that same outlandish claim?

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