UFC 148 – The MMA News Facebook Contest Winners

First, I would like to thank everyone who entered The MMA News UFC 148 Facebook contest. Without you who visit this site, I wouldn’t have the funding to give away prizes. The MMA News has turned into a blog site over the years, and with things coming down to me to run the site, I’m […]

First, I would like to thank everyone who entered The MMA News UFC 148 Facebook contest. Without you who visit this site, I wouldn’t have the funding to give away prizes.

The MMA News has turned into a blog site over the years, and with things coming down to me to run the site, I’m not able to keep up with posting exclusive interviews due to the amount of time involved and the increasing constraints of my own life.

So again, I really just want to say thanks to you all.

Alright, the real reason your reading this post is to find out which four entrants won the four prizes I’ve put up as part of this weekends UFC 148 celebrations.

Winners List

1) – PRIDE Bushido Vol. 10 – Winner Kyle Elliot

2) – UFC Encyclopedia – Winner Lisa Christine

3) – UFC Expo exclusive Round 5 MMA Georges St-Pierre collectible – Dave Ellinger

4) – $50 UFC E-Gift Card – Shin Kim

So thanks again to everyone who signed up, all of the winners will receive an email from me @themmanews.com.