UFC 149 Results: Where Hector Lombard Goes Next Following Disappointing Showing

Remember when you were growing up and your parents could say everything to you and nothing would get through.But then, suddenly, one word or one line just crushes your heart: “We are really disappointed with you.”For the first time, just like that, it …

Remember when you were growing up and your parents could say everything to you and nothing would get through.

But then, suddenly, one word or one line just crushes your heart: “We are really disappointed with you.”

For the first time, just like that, it hurts.

Hector Lombard’s UFC debut against Tim Boetsch was of that mold. Lombard’s debut was unbelievably disappointing from an average fan’s perspective, considering the hype that surrounded him prior to the fight. 

Where does he go now?



Lombard must now regroup, wait for another opportunity and then deliver on that opportunity to rectify his loss on Saturday night. 

I’m sure everyone has gone into something overconfident, whether that be a sporting event, a test in school or a relationship. Losing or failing like this happens to everyone, and it only challenges the character and drive of the individual.

Lombard’s character is being tested right now. It’s time for him to regroup his thoughts and look forward to the next fight. 



Focus. One of the most used terms in sports, but one of the terms athletes fail to grasp at certain moments in their life.

Lombard went into his fight and he wasn’t as focused as he needed to be. Maybe he even fell in love with the hype rather than focusing on the task at hand.

Now it’s time to refocus. 


Build off positives

Lombard was dreadful in the early goings of the fight. There aren’t too many people who would argue that he wasn’t.

However, as the fight moved to the later rounds, Lombard started to show some of his ability. He began to land cleaner shots, look more confident and look settled. 

Lombard is going to receive another opportunity in the UFC given his overall ability. He must do these three things to get that elusive first victory in his next fight.

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