MMA: 10 Fights We Wish Had Never Happened

You don’t have to throw a stone very far to hit a list of the best MMA fights ever, but what about the worst MMA fights ever? What about those fights that the Powers That Be would sweep under the rug? What about the fights we wish never happened?
It’s …

You don’t have to throw a stone very far to hit a list of the best MMA fights ever, but what about the worst MMA fights ever? What about those fights that the Powers That Be would sweep under the rug? What about the fights we wish never happened?

It’s right here. These are the fights They don’t want you to remember. The fights that, once seen, cannot be unseen. Because they were boring, because they lacked expertise, because it was a bad matchup, because it had a particularly unfortunate outcome. Would that we could erase these contests from the history books. Would that we might sponge away the writing on the stones!

But we can’t. But we can wish. And if I had my wish, these 10 fights would be spirited away forever.

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