10 Signature Post-Fight Celebrations in MMA Today

Would that the average desk jockey could douse himself in coffee every time he or she successfully met a deadline. The heightened morale would far outlast the first-degree burns. Would that we could vault atop our desks and shake our fists at the …

Would that the average desk jockey could douse himself in coffee every time he or she successfully met a deadline. The heightened morale would far outlast the first-degree burns. Would that we could vault atop our desks and shake our fists at the sky upon completion of a seamless PowerPoint presentation! That’s the kind of world I want to live in.

Maybe that’s why I enjoy a good post-fight celebration so much. I celebrate a good celebration. Just because “it’s a business” doesn’t mean people shouldn’t enjoy their work. 

Many of the classic post-fight celebration practitioners are gone. Sadly, we’ll likely never see Tito’s grave digger or Liddell’s high-octane revelry again. Good thing, then, that we have a new garde of revelers.

Here are the 10 best signature celebrations among active fighters. 

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