WWE News: UFC President Dana White Comments on Meeting with Brock Lesnar in May

Following UFC 146 last month, the rumors of a potential return to the world of MMA for Brock Lesnar were kicked into high gear after a meeting between the UFC president, Dana White, and the former Heavyweight Champion. During an interview last night fo…

Following UFC 146 last month, the rumors of a potential return to the world of MMA for Brock Lesnar were kicked into high gear after a meeting between the UFC president, Dana White, and the former Heavyweight Champion.

During an interview last night following UFC on FX in Florida, White would give an idea on just how well that previously mentioned meeting went after people had been claiming that Lesnar will once again leave the WWE for the UFC.

In the video posted at the top of this article, White goes on to say that the meeting between he and Lesnar didn’t go well after UFC 146, along with saying that it was the worst meeting that the two had through the years.

Even though it’s unknown whether or not Lesnar was trying to make a play to return to the UFC, the former champion should not make a return to MMA as it will likely end with a big paycheck but more loses for Lesnar.

It would make much more sense for Lesnar to continue with the WWE since the schedule is much more manageable along with the incredible amount of money, $5 million, being given to him in his one-year deal with the company that made him a star in the early 2000s.

With the meeting between Lesnar and White ending up wildly unsuccessful after UFC 146, do you think the former UFC and WWE Champion will ever return to the Octagon when his current deal ends following WrestleMania 29?


Chris Humphrey is a WWE Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report. You can ask him any question regarding the WWE or any other topic that crosses your mind on either his Facebook or Twitter page.

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WWE News: Update on Meeting Between Brock Lesnar and Dana White After UFC 146

Even though being away from the UFC since December following his loss to Alistair Overeem, Brock Lesnar is still a topic of conversation as the former UFC heavyweight champion was mentioned in the post-UFC 146 press conference Saturday. Following the p…

Even though being away from the UFC since December following his loss to Alistair Overeem, Brock Lesnar is still a topic of conversation as the former UFC heavyweight champion was mentioned in the post-UFC 146 press conference Saturday.

Following the press conference, UFC president Dana White and Lesnar had a meeting to discuss things which had fans speculating whether Lesnar would be once again leaving the WWE for a return to the Octagon.

Here are the details from PWInsider (via WrestlingInc.com) on what came from the meeting between Lesnar and White this past weekend in Las Vegas.

Lesnar actually told WWE officials that he met with White but nothing happened out of it. Lesnar reportedly brought up the idea of doing something with UFC but White wasn’t interested. White does not want a pro wrestling connection with UFC and isn’t interested in working with Lesnar while he’s with WWE, despite teasing it at the post-fight press conference.

Following the pitch for a connection between the WWE and UFC in Lesnar’s current storyline, White made the right decision in declining the option as the two companies should definitely remain separate in their two worlds.

With his current deal running through WrestleMania 29 in 2013, it seems as though Lesnar is already looking to position himself in the best situation either in the WWE or UFC well before his deal expires next year.

With Lesnar trying to leverage himself into a possible better situation between the WWE and UFC, do you see the former UFC and WWE Champion staying in professional wrestling or making another run in MMA?

Chris Humphrey is a WWE Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report. You can ask him any question regarding the WWE or any other topic that crosses your mind on either his Facebook or Twitter page.

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WWE News: Dana White Says That Brock Lesnar Can Leave the UFC, Return to the WWE

Even Dana White isn’t safe from the paparazzi when he’s leaving a club after a night on the town. As the UFC president was leaving “The Agency” in Hollywood, he was asked questions by the fans gathered around the exit of the clu…

Even Dana White isn’t safe from the paparazzi when he’s leaving a club after a night on the town.

As the UFC president was leaving “The Agency” in Hollywood, he was asked questions by the fans gathered around the exit of the club about topics ranging from Brock Lesnar to Jon Jones and even New Year’s resolutions.

White said that he would let the former UFC heavyweight champion Lesnar return to the WWE, the company that first made him a household name before making the jump to the biggest MMA company in the world.

With the drawing power of Lesnar now gone from the UFC, White said that current light heavyweight champion Jon “Bones” Jones could be the company’s next big star as he was proclaimed by White as one of the baddest men on the planet.

Before escaping the questions, the act of making New Year’s resolutions isn’t a popular topic with White as he said people should wake up each day as if it were New Year’s Day instead of just January 1st.

While some people might take this and run with it saying Brock is going back to the WWE and Jones is going to be the next Lesnar in the UFC, Dana White looked to be a bit over served after his evening at “The Agency” so I would take what he said with a grain of salt.

So Bleachers Report readers, what did you think about the comments made by Dana White in the video and is there any truth about White letting Brock Lesnar leave his contract with the UFC and return to the WWE?

Chris Humphrey is a featured columnist for bleacherreport.com. He has covered everything from college football, college basketball, UFC, NFL, NBA and the WWE in his short time writing for the website. You can become a fan of him on B/R and follow him on Twitter @_CBH_.

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