5 Lightweight Prospects the UFC Should Sign

We continue our “Prospects the UFC Should Sign” series, which will take us division by division, breaking down the top prospects who should be signed by the company.The lightweight division arguably has the deepest pool of talent in the UFC at this cur…

We continue our “Prospects the UFC Should Sign” series, which will take us division by division, breaking down the top prospects who should be signed by the company.

The lightweight division arguably has the deepest pool of talent in the UFC at this current time. Ruled by Benson Henderson, the division is stocked with top-level guys who at any moment could catapult themselves up the ranks from a lower mid-card level.

Here are five lightweights that the UFC should ink as a means of continuing to develop top-level prospects.


Note: Here is last year’s top-five list. Of the five, none were signed by the UFC. 

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