Awesome Video of the Day: Watch Roy Nelson Get the Everloving Sh*t Beat Out of Him For Nearly 7 Minutes

(Props to Youtube user Brutha Muzone via Fightlinker for the find.)

We all know the story of Roy Nelson’s unbreakable chin. Forged by Biggoron high in the alcoves of Death Mountain and crafted with only the finest of bomb flowers, the Petra mandibulo is capable of withstanding a Mark 3 blast and doubles as a cardboard baler on weekends. Fact: After selecting one of his bastard offspring for sacrifice each night, Jay Leno prays to Roy Nelson for strength before tucking himself into bed. The dude’s got a solid jaw, is what we’re saying.

As we are also aware, “Big Country” set a career record for strikes absorbed in the UFC (clocking in at a ridiculously ridiculous 437) without being knocked out during his three round drubbing at the hands of Stipe Miocic last month. While it’s a damn respectable honor to hold in one regard, it’s also a sign that maybe, just maybe, he should consider turning down that 4th helping of DiaBeef Jerky every now and again.

But if Nelson is able to successfully negotiate a new contract, it looks like he will be the next man to face off with former Strikeforce heavyweight champion Daniel Cormier at UFC 166 in October. If that ends up being the case, we’ll surely be in for a lot more of what’s depicted above. Mainly, Roy Nelson eating shots like they are pork rinds dipped in Sriracha. The above video, entitled “Clubbed to Death,” highlights Nelson’s positively Bruce Willian chin in his performances against Miocic, Junior Dos Santos and Fabricio Werdum and is truly something to behold. For the sake of fairness, his handful of overhand deathball KO’s are sprinkled in as well, so enjoy.

J. Jones

(Props to Youtube user Brutha Muzone via Fightlinker for the find.)

We all know the story of Roy Nelson’s unbreakable chin. Forged by Biggoron high in the alcoves of Death Mountain and crafted with only the finest of bomb flowers, the Petra mandibulo is capable of withstanding a Mark 3 blast and doubles as a cardboard baler on weekends. Fact: After selecting one of his bastard offspring for sacrifice each night, Jay Leno prays to Roy Nelson for strength before tucking himself into bed. The dude’s got a solid jaw, is what we’re saying.

As we are also aware, “Big Country” set a career record for strikes absorbed in the UFC (clocking in at a ridiculously ridiculous 437) without being knocked out during his three round drubbing at the hands of Stipe Miocic last month. While it’s a damn respectable honor to hold in one regard, it’s also a sign that maybe, just maybe, he should consider turning down that 4th helping of DiaBeef Jerky every now and again.

But if Nelson is able to successfully negotiate a new contract, it looks like he will be the next man to face off with former Strikeforce heavyweight champion Daniel Cormier at UFC 166 in October. If that ends up being the case, we’ll surely be in for a lot more of what’s depicted above. Mainly, Roy Nelson eating shots like they are pork rinds dipped in Sriracha. The above video, entitled “Clubbed to Death,” highlights Nelson’s positively Bruce Willian chin in his performances against Miocic, Junior Dos Santos and Fabricio Werdum and is truly something to behold. For the sake of fairness, his handful of overhand deathball KO’s are sprinkled in as well, so enjoy.

J. Jones