Chael Sonnen ‘Voice of Reason’ Caption Contest: The Winners!

(These voices, these voices, I hear them, and when they talk I follow, I follow, I follow…”)

Nothing like a good caption contest to remind us what a funny bunch of sons-of-bitches y’all are. After sifting through nearly 200 submissions, we’ve selected the two winners who will be receiving copies of Chael Sonnen‘s new life-manual, The Voice of Reason: A V.I.P. Pass to Enlightenment a month before it goes on sale to the general public. But first, some runners-up…

LOKI: Chael struggled to hold back the guilt in his face; he never realized that wishing cancer on Ed Soares would actually work.

tdpwent: Chael and random guy #2 show what a certain brazilian BJJ expert will be doing every night after his failed pick-up attempt.

mcw89138: Chael and Ronda drove 2,000 miles to an undisclosed Starbucks to see for themselves the Internet freak and phenomenon known as “perfect circle head” guy.

BigBalluh: The new season of Two and a Half Men is gonna suck.

Kid Clam Curtains: Not pictured: The knee-high rubber boots they’re wearing for all the bullshit.

(These voices, these voices, I hear them, and when they talk I follow, I follow, I follow…”)

Nothing like a good caption contest to remind us what a funny bunch of sons-of-bitches y’all are. After sifting through nearly 200 submissions, we’ve selected the two winners who will be receiving copies of Chael Sonnen‘s new life-manual, The Voice of Reason: A V.I.P. Pass to Enlightenment a month before it goes on sale to the general public. But first, some runners-up…

LOKI: Chael struggled to hold back the guilt in his face; he never realized that wishing cancer on Ed Soares would actually work.

tdpwent: Chael and random guy #2 show what a certain brazilian BJJ expert will be doing every night after his failed pick-up attempt.

mcw89138: Chael and Ronda drove 2,000 miles to an undisclosed Starbucks to see for themselves the Internet freak and phenomenon known as “perfect circle head” guy.

BigBalluh: The new season of Two and a Half Men is gonna suck.

Kid Clam Curtains: Not pictured: The knee-high rubber boots they’re wearing for all the bullshit.

kochersam: Ronda and Chael both pose with the man-creature they created using the excess testosterone found in their bodies.

Slack Brian: In what parallel universe can you punch a man 300 times, he holds up a fist like a douche for eight seconds and Rousey lets him graze her boob?!

HabitualLineStepper: Chael becomes the latest MMA fighter to sign on to do a low-budget film with C-list actors. Here he poses with his co-stars Julia Stiles and a grown-up Bud from Married with Children.

Goat: This is me. I’m not joking. It’s me. I made that thread. I remember that day clearly. I was sitting in Starbucks, chilling the fuck out, listening to some Megaman 2 music, when I looked up, and there he was – Chael fuckin’ Sonnen. Eventually, I summed up the courage to ask him, and I said “You’re Chael Sonnen, the middle-weight champion of the world?” And he nodded. And it was bliss. I was so drunken with Chael’s uber-aura that I didn’t notice the beautiful and dangerous Ronda Rousey right next to him. We got some photos, had some laughs, and I went back to listening to my rad-ass 8-Bit music. Anyways – it was a great moment! I’m glad people are having fun with it.
PS: CP nation, my name’s not Brad.
PPS: No threesome occurred.
PPPS: Please give me a copy of Chael’s awesome DVD [Ed. note: It’s a book, Brad.]
Here is some more evidence that I am the man in the photo.

And now, the winners…

PorkandBeans: What Stephen Hawking looked like prior to telling Chael and Ronda they weren’t actually the center of the universe.

c2844: Wow. Chael Sonnen and Ronda Rousey in the same photo…and nobody is in an armbar? Amazing!

So, Pork and C-numbers, please send your real names and addresses to [email protected], and we’ll get those books sent out to you next week. Thanks to everybody who played, and to Victory Belt for hooking us up. Now go buy Chael’s book!