Georges St-Pierre vs. Nick Diaz: 3 Questions About GSP Heading into UFC 158

Georges St-Pierre is just divine. The UFC could not design a better representative for their organization and for the sport of mixed martial arts as a whole, and GSP probably induces heart failure among UFC executives every time he steps into the …

Georges St-Pierre is just divine. 

The UFC could not design a better representative for their organization and for the sport of mixed martial arts as a whole, and GSP probably induces heart failure among UFC executives every time he steps into the Octagon for battle. 

Thankfully for them, GSP is one of the most consistently dominant fighters in the sport’s history, and he has emerged victorious in 92 percent of his career fights. 

Still, no fighter is invincible.

GSP has been knocked out, and he has been submitted just like any other mortal, and his UFC 158 matchup with Nick Diaz presents plenty of intrigue and mystery. 

Start the slideshow to check out these important question marks surrounding “Rush” as we approach fight night in Montreal. 

Begin Slideshow