Hunt Gives UFC An Ultimatum: Give Half Of Lesnar’s Purse, Or Grant Him UFC Release

Well, it sounds like Mark Hunt is taking the news regarding Brock Lesnar being flagged by USADA for a potential Anti-Doping Violation incredibly serious.

Hunt apparently gave the UFC an ultimatum upon finding out that Lesnar tested positive for what…


Well, it sounds like Mark Hunt is taking the news regarding Brock Lesnar being flagged by USADA for a potential Anti-Doping Violation incredibly serious.

Hunt apparently gave the UFC an ultimatum upon finding out that Lesnar tested positive for what is believed to be a yet-to-be-announced banned substance for their fight at UFC 200. Apparently Hunt wants either half of Lesnar’s purse from the fight, which was disclosed by the Nevada Athletic Commission (NAC) as being a reported $2.5 million, or else he wants to be released from his contract with the UFC.

In addition to the alleged ultimatum that Hunt gave the UFC regarding the Lesnar/USADA situation, the Samoan heavyweight contender also spoke with Marc Ramondi of, venting his frustration over the ongoing issue of fighters competing on performance-enhancing drugs.

“The cheaters get a slap on the wrist and walk off,” said a clearly upset Hunt. “What penalty or deterrent is there to make them think twice? Nothing.”

Hunt has fought three of his last four opponents in the UFC while they were on banned substances of some kind, including Antonio “Bigfoot” Silva, Frank Mir and now Lesnar).

As Hunt continued to vent his frustration to Ramondi, he spoke about how the fine a fighter receives for competing on banned substances doesn’t go to the fighters opponent, which in the aforementioned three cases, would have been him if that were the policy, as he feels it should be.

“And the [NAC], why should these [expletives] get anything? They are not the ones who had to fight with Lesnar, or lose [to him]. I lost.”

For more information regarding Brock Lesnar being flagged by USADA for a potential Anti-Doping Policy violation for his UFC 200 fight against Hunt, click here. To find out what UFC had to say about Lesnar’s ongoing USADA issues after the news of his potential violation came out on Friday evening, click here.