Injury Roundup: Jose Aldo Hospitalized With Kidney Stones, Conor McGregor Rumored to Have Busted Hand

(Because fuck it, this video is just *adorable*.)

EVERYONE JUST CALM DOWN, ALRIGHT!! Jose Aldo‘s UFC 179 rematch with Chad Mendes is not — I repeat, is not — in danger of being cancelled. UFC 179 WILL NOT be a repeat of UFC 176 a.k.a “The event that Jose Aldo’s cervical spine injury murdered.” And just because Aldo has said he was fine when he was injured in the past, only to later pull out of a fight because he *wasn’t* actually fine, doesn’t mean he’ll do it again. So just CALM. DOWN.

But yes, several of the UFC’s totally reliable sources have confirmed that Jose Aldo did spend a day laid up in the hospital due to a kidney stone, which he expelled within the day and was released. As Aldo’s coach and manager Andre Pederneiras told Combate:

Aldo has this renal calculi issue since he was 16 years old. After his fight against ‘Korean Zombie,’ he also expelled a stone. Same thing last week. It started with a little pain, he was then hospitalized, took some serum and anti-inflammatory, and then he expelled the stone.

For all you dum-dums out there, “renal calculi” is just doctor speak for a kidney stone. But again, EVERYTHING IS FINE…


(Because fuck it, this video is just *adorable*.)

EVERYONE JUST CALM DOWN, ALRIGHT!! Jose Aldo‘s UFC 179 rematch with Chad Mendes is not — I repeat, is not – in danger of being cancelled. UFC 179 WILL NOT be a repeat of UFC 176 a.k.a “The event that Jose Aldo’s cervical spine injury murdered.” And just because Aldo has said he was fine when he was injured in the past, only to later pull out of a fight because he *wasn’t* actually fine, doesn’t mean he’ll do it again. So just CALM. DOWN.

But yes, several of the UFC’s totally reliable sources have confirmed that Jose Aldo did spend a day laid up in the hospital due to a kidney stone, which he expelled within the day and was released. As Aldo’s coach and manager Andre Pederneiras told Combate:

Aldo has this renal calculi issue since he was 16 years old. After his fight against ‘Korean Zombie,’ he also expelled a stone. Same thing last week. It started with a little pain, he was then hospitalized, took some serum and anti-inflammatory, and then he expelled the stone.

For all you dum-dums out there, “renal calculi” is just doctor speak for a kidney stone. But again, EVERYTHING IS FINE…


Although the information is uquestionable at best and the evidence unsubstantiated, rumors are circlulating that Conor McGregor might have hurt his hand while training a few weeks ago in Ireland. The injury was first reported by Dave Meltzer, and started gaining credence after McGregor was shown donning a bandaged hand in the first episode of UFC 178 Embedded.

Of course there are *also* rumors going around that McGregor could have faked the injury to get in Dustin Poirier‘s head, because he’s just that much of a gamer. That Conor was not wearing the bandage during his media day appearance also seems to indicate that even if his hand was injured, it was likely something minor that has since been dealt with. I know, my insightful journalism skillz are blowing your minds right now.

We will keep you updated if any information breaks regarding either Aldo or McGregor.

J. Jones