Mayweather Failed To Stop Paul: ‘The Guy Was Too Big’

Photo by Cliff Hawkins/Getty Images

Floyd Mayweather Jr. may have mopped the floor with social media star Logan Paul during their exhibition boxing match last month, but many fight fans expected “Money” to put an end to …

Floyd Mayweather v Logan Paul
Photo by Cliff Hawkins/Getty Images

Floyd Mayweather Jr. may have mopped the floor with social media star Logan Paul during their exhibition boxing match last month, but many fight fans expected “Money” to put an end to Paul. Surprisingly, Paul lasted all eight rounds with Mayweather and can now say he went the distance with one of the greatest boxers of all time.

After the fight, boxing enthusiasts expressed their belief that Mayweather did his best to make the fight last and give the fans the most bang for their buck. Some even believe Mayweather stopped Paul from falling to the canvas multiple times during the fight. That may be a stretch, but Mayweather made it look like light work.

That said, “Money” wasn’t able to finish Paul and put an end to his combat crusade. Floyd’s uncle, Jeff Mayweather, doesn’t believe it was due to a lack of trying. Instead, Mayweather believes “Money” simply didn’t have enough in him to put away the much larger Paul.

“I thought what happened could have happened because nobody else was thinking that the age, 44, was gonna show up,” said Mayweather speaking on The Champ and The Chump (via The Mac Life). “And plus, Logan Paul had Floyd about 6 inches in height, probably about 40 pounds in weight. And he still an athlete. He was a wrestler, so I mean, don’t get me wrong and also he did a lot of holding. A whole lot.

“All of that played a part. I think the biggest part is that people have the tendency to forget that Floyd’s not superman. He’s still an athlete, but he’s not the same one that you see now. he’s 44 years old. He still did great for entertainment but I think a lot of people were disappointed because everyone thought there was gonna be a knockout.”

Mayweather, who called the fight “legalized bank robbery,” is not the quintessential knockout artist that you might see step inside of the boxing ring. He usually takes his time, picks apart his opponent, and beats them with precision and volume. That seems to be what Mayweather did against Paul, but considering Paul’s complete lack of experience and overall inept fighting chops the argument can be made that anything short of a knockout finish was a letdown for “Money.”

“I think he wanted to knock him out, of course, but he couldn’t,” Jeff Mayweather continued. “The guy was too big. He did so much holding and you know was strong enough to take those shots, and as soon as he got hit, he locked up. So that made the fight a little ugly.

“I still think if Floyd was younger, he woulda knocked him out.”

What do you think, fight fans? Did Mayweather fail in his attempt to knock Paul out?

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