Mercedes Terrell: "I Don’t Need to Pose for Playboy"

If you are one of the 71,839 individuals that read my piece on the 25 sexiest MMA girls of 2011, you are fully aware of the fact that Bellator Fighting Championships Ring Girl Mercedes Terrell and I are newlyweds. You are also aware that she assaulted …

If you are one of the 71,839 individuals that read my piece on the 25 sexiest MMA girls of 2011, you are fully aware of the fact that Bellator Fighting Championships Ring Girl Mercedes Terrell and I are newlyweds.

You are also aware that she assaulted my incredibly good-looking face with a lead pipe, after I finished enjoying a lovely oriental dinner at PF Changs, and refused to cease her attack until I agreed to be her husband.

Do not be fooled by her breathtakingly amazing looks, my wife is a violent woman.

However, joking aside, Terrell is one of the many reasons why the Bellator Fighting Championships have acquired such a tremendous fanbase in such a short period of time.

She is everything you can hope for and more in a ring girl.

She’s super beautiful on the outside and one of the coolest chicks imaginable on the inside.

By the way, please do not insert a ‘’that’s what she said’’ joke at the end of that last sentence. I may have been forced under my will but Mercedes Terrell is still my wife so don’t make me get my bear claws out on you clowns.

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Ms. Terrell about a wide variety of interesting topics, here are a few highlights.


On growing up in the desert and launching her modeling career

“I was lucky as a child, and still am lucky today, to have the privilege of spending time in the desert every year playing in the sand with our quads, sand rails, and dirt bikes. I also spent a lot of time skiing, snowboarding, boating and jet skiing. My parents are the ones who deserve the credit for keeping us girls out of the house and active,” Terrell told B/R MMA’s Featured Pimp Mitch Ciccarelli.

“I totally agree with you that kids spend way too much time indoors. The whole fun of being a kid is having the energy and confidence to be active and attempt to do things that you might get injured while doing.”

 “Growing up I never once thought I would become a model, it just happened. My childhood dream was to become an artist but I also wanted to be a fashion designer. Today I draw, paint, and design my own clothes so I guess those childhood dreams came true,” Terrell said.


On finding MMA

“I grew up with five sisters and no brothers. Needless to say I didn’t grow up as a ‘guy’s girl’ watching sports or having favorite teams. I was never in any sports in school, I took art classes instead,” Terrell said.

“So with that said, it would take an awe inspiring sport to capture my attention and I found that in MMA. Not only was it thrilling to watch two guys in the cage try to rip each other’s heads off but once I began to learn more about the sport I could recognize the different fighting styles and moves being used in the cage, which made it all the more entertaining.”


On Working with Bellator  

“When I first signed with Bellator, the organization was so new that I had no idea what to expect, all I knew was that I just scored the best job ever. Front row seats to the best MMA action in the business every weekend, traveling the country and having a blast while doing it all is definitely not a bad gig.”

“As the season passed I became extremely close with the entire Bellator family and began learning more about the sport. I have a true respect for what we are doing for MMA and I am so stoked to be part of a company that is helping diversify and grow this sport on the rise.” 

 “I love being a Bellator girl and will continue to be their cage girl for the time being. I’m always working on what’s next but that doesn’t necessarily mean I would venture away from Bellator or MMA. I’d love to continue to grow within the industry.”


On Potentially Posing for Playboy

“I’m not sure that will ever be something I’m comfortable doing. I don’t feel I need to take my clothes off in order to promote Bellator, we are a thriving organization with some of the best fighters in the world and we put on top notch shows on a weekly basis.”

“Furthermore, as my ‘husband’ I’m surprised you would be at all interested in me exposing myself to the world in that manner! I’m shocked really!”


On what she looks for in a guy

“I’m sure by now you can tell that I have a sense of humor and that’s the number one thing I look for in a guy. If we can’t laugh together than what’s the point?

“As far as looks go I wouldn’t really say I have a type, good looking is a plus but if you are too good looking I might have to worry about you hogging the mirror in the mornings. I like learning from other people so it’s always nice when a guy has a good head on his shoulders and can hold up a conversation with anyone.”

“Another biggy for me is confidence and security; I’m gone at least 3-4 days a week and sometime I’m not home for a month at a time with the work I do.”

“Being with a guy who can truly deal with my absence and will support me in what I do for a living without giving me a bunch of grief is a must! With me being away from home so often, whoever I’m with has to be able to trust in me completely and I in him.”

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