MMA: Examining Mixed Martial Arts’ 5 Most Enduring Myths

It would be uncontroversial to say that mixed martial arts is still somewhat misunderstood by society at large. Ever since the UFC debuted in 1993, with its celebratory emphasis on its aversion to rules and regulations, MMA has been remarkably prone to…

It would be uncontroversial to say that mixed martial arts is still somewhat misunderstood by society at large.

Ever since the UFC debuted in 1993, with its celebratory emphasis on its aversion to rules and regulations, MMA has been remarkably prone to the creation of myths.

What follows is a brief discussion of several of the most enduring fallacies that have followed the sport over the years.

As fans of MMA, many of you will be familiar with some of the more famous falsehoods that have persisted. So, if you feel like I’m covering old ground, simply view this as another attempt to debunk these robust fantasies.

Without further delay, here are the top five myths about MMA.

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