MMA Swag Rankings: Top Ten Swagtastic Fighters in the Sport

The term “swag” or “swagger” denotes specifically a person’s style of dress as well as how they carry themselves. That’s quite a subjective criteria and in terms of MMA, can denote anyone not dressing in the usual mi…

The term “swag” or “swagger” denotes specifically a person’s style of dress as well as how they carry themselves.

That’s quite a subjective criteria and in terms of MMA, can denote anyone not dressing in the usual mixture of Affliction t-shirts and neck tattoos. But it takes more than that to rank in the top ten of the most “swagtastic” fighters competing today.

With the media attention and image consultants that now surround the modern MMA athlete, here’s a look at 10 fighters that represent the finest turned-out men in the sport.

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