Nate Diaz Talks Fight Contract With Team Vicente Luque

Nate Diaz has not taken his radar off of Vicente Luque, and he’s now zeroing in on getting things finalized. “Closed mouths don’t get fed” is a common American expression. It is a modernized version of the more antiquated, “Ask and you shall receive.” Many men have asked for a fight with Nate Diaz, but […]

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Nate Diaz has not taken his radar off of Vicente Luque, and he’s now zeroing in on getting things finalized.

“Closed mouths don’t get fed” is a common American expression. It is a modernized version of the more antiquated, “Ask and you shall receive.” Many men have asked for a fight with Nate Diaz, but it looks like Vicente Luque’s open mouth is getting closer and closer to being adequately served.

Just prior to defeating Michael Chiesa in August, Luque expressed a desire to face Nate Diaz not in a five-round fight but in a first-ever 10-round fight! After he got the W over Chiesa, Luque was just eager to share the cage with Diaz for any length of time, with the aim of ensuring that it wouldn’t see the distance of however many rounds were allotted. And wouldn’t you know it, Nate Diaz accepted the call-out.

That acceptance was a full month ago, yet the date and place of the “agreed” fight have yet to be reported. The fact that this bout still has not been made official has surely been noticed by the Nate Diaz Army, including their general.

“I ain’t got a contract It must be something wrong wit luque,” Diaz posted.

This prompted a response from Luque’s manager, Ali Abdelaziz, who assured his client is every bit as ready to get things finalized as Diaz is.

“He ready let’s go,” Abdelaziz tweeted, tagging his client to ensure he was apprised of these latest developments.

It didn’t take long for Luque to respond to his manager’s cue and charge headfirst into the conversation.

“You know I’m in from day one! I’ve never backed up from a fight and I’m not gonna start now!! We can do it when and where you want I’m ready.”

Luque even decided to sweeten the pot with an offer for an all-you-can-eat violence smorgasbord.

“I’ll raise my offer we can go as many rounds as you want and let’s make it an all stand up war no take downs allowed! #FOTY

These two warriors have never disappointed, so Luque’s hashtag of “Fight of the Year” isn’t difficult to imagine. Now, instead of talking or imagining, it’s time for the signing followed by the fighting, so that both these tested dogs can eat.

And when that happens, your good friends here at MMA News will give you the full scoop the moment the latest update drops.

Continue Reading Nate Diaz Talks Fight Contract With Team Vicente Luque at MMA News.