A great first round where both fighters landed their own personal damage. Midway in the first Chuck threw a body kick that Franklin blocked with his forearm and he broke it. However, Franklin being as tough as he is kept in the fight, but you can tell something was wrong.
Near the end of the round, Chuck had Franklin against the cage and was pressing after landing some looping punches. When Chuck over committed to his attack, he walked into Franklin’s right hook. Out cold. Franklin wins in the first with little time left on the clock.
Joe Rogan mentioned it might be the last time we see Chuck in the Octagon, but I gotta say, this is the best Chuck looked in quite awhile. He looked very good in his attacks, his takedowns, I didn’t expect him to fight as well as he did. Chuck really hasn’t thrown body kicks like that since his very early days in the UFC. I’m talking about when he wore shoes!