Sandhagen On Covington/Masvidal Street Altercation: ‘He Asked For It’

Cory Sandhagen believes the way Colby Covington acted towards Jorge Masvidal, he kind of asked for the alleged attack to happen. After Covington defeated Masvidal at UFC 272, he began to troll ‘Gamebred’ on social media which only added to the anger after bringing up Masvidal’s kids and ex-wife. With that, Sandhagen says ‘Chaos’ crossed…

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Cory Sandhagen believes the way Colby Covington acted towards Jorge Masvidal, he kind of asked for the alleged attack to happen.

After Covington defeated Masvidal at UFC 272, he began to troll ‘Gamebred’ on social media which only added to the anger after bringing up Masvidal’s kids and ex-wife. With that, Sandhagen says ‘Chaos’ crossed the line, and with Masvidal being a street fighter, the bantamweight contender wasn’t surprised when the attack happened.

“I think that in our society, we’re protected by laws,” Sandhagen said to LowKick MMA. “And the reason we can’t just get upset at someone and go beat them up, or like, do something even worse to them, is because we would have some pretty serious consequences from like, the judicial system and things like that, (which) we don’t want to have happening. I think that people take big-time advantage of that, and I think that that’s really unfortunate.

Colby Covington & Jorge Masvidal
Colby Covington & Jorge Masvidal (Image Credit: David Becker/Getty Images)

“I think that Colby going as far as he does in the trash-talking, he kinda asked for it dude,” Sandhagen continued. “I think that we, as fighters, sometimes get a little bit boastful and prideful in the way of like, seeing ourselves as these badasses, that, ‘If I beat you up, I get to say and do whatever I want to do.’ But it’s like, that isn’t how real confrontation works, and how real war works. How real war works is if I really wanna take you out, and I’m crazy enough to take you out, it probably wouldn’t be that difficult. It wouldn’t be me and you signing a contract to fight on a certain day, under a very specific set of rules. It would mean, ‘Hey, this guy’s talking trash and he’s at this restaurant, I’m gonna go and beat this guy up,’ because that’s how real war works.”

Cory Sandhagen believes Colby Covington should learn something from this alledged attack as he believes ‘Chaos’ should realize words have consequences. Yet, given what he knows about Covington, he isn’t sure if he will change at all.

“I think that Colby’s not gonna learn his lesson from that, but I think that you should have learned a lesson. Just because you’re better at something than someone, doesn’t mean you get to do and say whatever the hell you want,” Sandhagen concluded.

What do you make of Cory Sandhagen’s comments on the Covington-Masvidal incident?

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