Sorry Colby Covington, nobody wants to see you in WWE.
Earlier this week, the three-time UFC title challenger revealed that he hopes to transition from the Octagon to the world of sports entertainment in the next 1-2 years.
“I would say probably like two years,” Covington said on his YouTube channel. “I want to really start working on my in-ring wrestling and my crowd-pleasing ability in the next year or two.
“Maybe I’ll go up to Orlando and go to the WWE training center. But I want to really start perfecting my craft in the WWE and the wrestling moves, and hopefully I can make a transition in the next year or two.”
While some have suggested that Covington’s ability to sell fights and talk his way into undeserved title opportunities would serve him well in WWE, there are plenty of others who think Covington would be in way over his head trying to pull off his cringey trash-talk in front of 20,000 unforgiving pro wrestling fans.

“Colby’s promo are so bad idk if he can cut it in the WWE,” @MMAJOEYC wrote in response to Covington’s statement. “I’m not super familiar but I doubt they give you title shots purely based on if you suck Trump’s dick publicly or not.”

“I think we are underestimating how hard it is to cut promos in WWE and this man already struggles to deliver pre-written lines at UFC press conferences,” ADC MMA added.

“Colby would have no strengths in WWE,” TKO Talk wrote. “No height. No weight. No persona. WWE would write him to lean into. We all know he cant cut promos [see: ‘takin’ lerds munch monies]. He doesn’t have a strong fan base to carry him into rebranding. He is coming off a two fight skid. The WWE Champions are are giant men in comparison. Cain Velasquez showed up for Brock and physically looked like a fan more than a wrestler. Colby would fare far worse.
“They would absolutely not allow him to say the shit he has said in the past. Maybe a greaseball Manager but again- dude fumbles his words consistently. Would whip CM Punks ass in a fight. Wouldn’t be able to touch him in a wrestling ring, or come close to cutting any type of effective promo.”

“He cant fight anyways maybe its better for him,” @KOofTheDay quipped.

“He’s already washed, might as well go now,” @WhatsALegKick wrote matter-of-factly.
Colby Covington Discusses UFC Return in 2025
While Colby Covington’s move to WWE may be still a few years off (if ever), ‘Chaos’ is ready to get back to work and back inside the Octagon.
Offering some insight into his next fight, Covington claimed he’s ready to get the ball rolling once the UFC locks down a suitable opponent, but he’ll want a full 12-week fight camp to get ready after supposedly coming straight off the couch to fight Joaquin Buckley in December.
“Hopefully I’ll be back in there in the next three months,” Covington said. “I want a 12-week training camp. Coming off the last fight, I didn’t get a training camp. I didn’t train at all. Just showed up because I’m a company man, love this company more than anything. So now, I just really want to make sure that I get a full training camp – so I’m at my best, so people can see the real Colby, and we’ll beat anybody in the world when we get a full training camp.
“Whenever the UFC can find a good opponent, a big name that makes the company business, then we’ll get into a 12-week training camp. Bring them all.”