The 10 Most Nefarious Fighters in MMA History

At the intersection of Creepy Roommate Street and Pure Evil Drive, you have nefarious.
It’s not a scenic intersection. It’s not the kind of place where you want to pull the Town and Country over to the shoulder and just get out…

At the intersection of Creepy Roommate Street and Pure Evil Drive, you have nefarious.

It’s not a scenic intersection. It’s not the kind of place where you want to pull the Town and Country over to the shoulder and just get out and stretch a spell, maybe take the camera out and maybe answer nature’s call. Nothing doing, Jack. Nature doesn’t exist out this way. At least it’s not the nature you know, with your law-abiding ways and “treating people equitably” and whatever.

These 10 MMA fighters (and a legion of dishonorable mentions both in and out of the cage) are here to show you what nefarious looks like. It doesn’t look good, man. It has a very bad hair cut. It’s slovenly. It has a penchant for hurtiness clearly apparent in its eyes. Gaze upon its collective rap sheet and feel that slip just a little deeper into madness.

Fighters evaluated based on dirty tactics in the cage and, well, also out of the cage, possibly in a criminal context. Erm, enjoy!

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