The 15 Creepiest Fighters in MMA Today

(Door creaks open) Good eeeeevening. You know, there are plenty of guys in mixed martial arts who cut an intimidating profile. That’s no shock. More than a few are downright scary. Again, no big revelation. But to be creepy? Now that takes an extra-spe…

(Door creaks open)

Good eeeeevening.

You know, there are plenty of guys in mixed martial arts who cut an intimidating profile. That’s no shock. More than a few are downright scary. Again, no big revelation.

But to be creepy? Now that takes an extra-special gift.

Here are 15 of the creepiest fighters in the sport today. Though with the evolution of MMA and the departure of all-time creepy dudes like Hong Man Choi, Giant Silva and others, the sport may no longer be in its Golden Age of creepiness. Nevertheless, something tells me it’ll never go away entirely.

Keep in mind that records and championships are not big factors here, and that creepiness can come from personality and behavior as well as looks. That said, a lot of it comes from looks.

So with that, please enjoy…if you dare. Bwah ha ha ha!

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