UFC 140: Mark ‘The Machine’ Hominick Is ‘Coming out Guns Blazing’

In a perfect example of the constant evolution and growth of a mixed martial artist, Mark “The Machine” Hominick has some very different things in store for “The Korean Zombie” Chan Sung Jung on Saturday night. “I’m coming out guns blazin’.” Hominick s…

In a perfect example of the constant evolution and growth of a mixed martial artist, Mark “The Machine” Hominick has some very different things in store for “The Korean Zombie” Chan Sung Jung on Saturday night.

“I’m coming out guns blazin’.” Hominick stated as a new improvement to his game.

“I’ve made mistakes in the past in my fights. If you look at any of my losses, they’ve been early losses like in the first round, and it’s because I think a lot of times I pace myself to gain momentum as the fight goes on. Especially with a fighter like Korean Zombie, I have to be ready to go right off the first bell.”

It is an essential element in martial arts to be humble and truthful with yourself and correct your weaknesses, and Hominick is a master of mixed martial arts. When I asked him what he felt was the main issue that he had to correct from the Aldo fight, he was crystal clear.

“I think the wrestling. The takedowns he scored changed the pace of the fight, and without that I think I would have won the fight, so you definitely have to constantly improve and be humble knowing that you have to improve.”

“If you look at the best fighters in this sport, like Georges St-Pierre, every fight he comes in he re-invents himself, guys like Rashad Evans, they come in with a new skill set and that’s the constant evolution that you have to be working at.”

With all due respect to Georges St-Pierre, Hominick is the best pure-precision striker that our country has, and I can’t wait to see him get it on with The Zombie on Saturday.

See the full video to see hear much more from “The Machine,” as he talks about his crazy year, his tribute to his coach, Shawn Tompkins, on Saturday night but….he would not say what he has planned for his walk to the cage!


Dwight Wakabayashi is a Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report MMA and correspondent for MMACanada.net.

Catch him on Facebook and Twitter at wakafightermma.

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